Question:We bought some time ago a license of PDFCamp v2.3, and we have a doubt, when we create a PDF file from several websites, this final PDF is big size, how we can manage this size? with the compression? how we can do this? Thanks and Regards
Solution: Please lower resolution and compress PDF then you can manage output PDF size. But as to which compression method you should choose depending on your website content, say website contains large amount of images, CCITT G4 will be better, or else please compress text and the line art part. If you do the conversion double-footed, it is hard to get a larger size of PDF file but maybe the quality will be a little bad. Please try to balance the proportion.
Detail operations for newbie here.
First, download VeryPDF PDFcamp Printer to your PC. This free downloading link is for 32-bit version, if you need 64-bit version, please visit its official website of PDFcamp printer. When installation finishes, please check it in the Printers and Fax menu. Meanwhile if you download the Pro version, there must be an icon of Batch to PDF on the desktop. But this icon is not the shortcut of PDFcamp. The following snapshot will help you in finding PDFcamp printer.
Fig1 The way to find PDFcamp after installation.
Second, open a random website and go to Print menu tab by pressing “Ctr+P” on the keyboard. Choose this software as virtual printer.
Fig 2 Choose PDFcamp as virtual printer.
Third, lower resolution and choose compression method in the PDFcamp menu tab. This setting procession should be processed after you find this software in Printers and Fax. If you have finished setting part, in the second step please click Print, then the printing will be processed automatically. Instantly you click Print button, Save As dialogue box will bounce to the screen where you can name the output file and choose a place to save it.
Fig 2 Lower resolution and choose compression method in the PDFcamp.
If you have further question about getting PDF from website and manage PDF size, please leave us a comment, we will reply you as soon as possible.