If you use VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line to linearize PDF documents, you will be able to view them with a fast speed on web. This application can regroup the elements of a PDF file, and make all the information for displaying the first page located at the beginning of the file.
In this article, you will see how to batch linearize the PDF documents with this command line application. What you need to do is just free downloading VeryPDF PDF linearization Optimizer Command Line to your computer and then see its usage and options for smoothly using.
Please extract the downloaded ZIP file and then you will see there is an executable file named as pdfopt.exe which is the called program. To see how to use this application, you can input the path of pdfopt.exe in MS-DOS interface and hit Enter button to see the usage and options of it.
According to the application usage, please refer to the following template to write your own one:
pdfopt [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>
If you need to batch optimize PDF documents, please see the following examples:
pdfopt.exe –mode 2 C:\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
This application supports to use wildcard in batch working process. Additionally, it also supports script language:
for %F in (D:\test\*.pdf) do "pdfopt.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF-out.pdf"
You can use –mode 0, –mode 1, –mode 2, –mode 3 or –mode 4 option to linearize the PDF documents. By following the steps shown above, you can easily master how to use this application.
At last, if you are interested in this application, you are strongly recommended to download the free trial version of VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line by clicking the following button.