Batch PDF documents can be optimized at one time if you choose the command line application VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line as your helper. The optimized PDF can be fast viewed on web and you or others who browse the PDF document will get a good experience.
In order to use VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line, please click the following button to download the free trial version. It needs no installation steps and you just need to unzip the downloaded ZIP file to some location of your computer. Then you will be able to call the executable file pdfopt.exe which is the called program in MS-DOS interface.
Then please open MS-DOS interface for inputting commands. The following command sample is for your reference to write your own commands to optimize PDF documents. This application supports wildcard and script language in batch optimization. Please follow the template below:
pdfopt [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>]
Maybe you still don’t know how to write your own commands, please refer to the following command examples:
pdfopt.exe –mode 1 C:\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
This example is for optimizing PDF documents in batch by wildcard. In addition, the optimization modes can be set from 0 to 4 according to your needs. In order to know more information about the application options, please browse readme.txt document in the file package of application.
for %F in (D:\test\*.pdf) do "pdfopt.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF-out.pdf"
for /r D:\test %F in (*.pdf) do "pdfopt.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF-out.pdf"
The examples above are for using script languages to optimize the PDF document in batch.
If you have finish in writing the commands, please hit Enter button to run the commands and several seconds later you will get the linearized PDF documents in the location that you have specified.
Are you interested in this application? If so, please free download VeryPDF PDF Linearization Optimizer Command Line to have a try.