When you want to stamp PDF documents in batch, just have a try of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line which is an easy-to-use application to stamp different kinds of PDF documents with image, text or line. Only by one option, you can accomplish the batch stamping process.
There are several steps for your reference to make the batch stamping process. Just follow the steps shown below:
1.Please free download VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line and extract the ZIP file to local disk. The executable file pdfstamp.exe in example file folder in unzipped package is the called program of the process.
2. If you don’t know how to use VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line, please read the user manual which is a PDF document in unzipped package. Or you can read user manual of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line online.
3. Please open MS-DOS interface in which you can input commands to batch stamp the PDF documents.
4. Follow the command template below to write your commands:
pdfstamp.exe –PDFs <input dir> –o <output dir> [options]
If you can not understand the template above, please see the following example:
pdfstamp.exe -PDFs "C:\*.pdf" -o "C:\out" -AT "An example for '-PDFS' parameter" -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 –mtb200
pdfstamp.exe –PDFs “D:\*.pdf” –o “D:\out” –AI “VeryPDF” –p4 –r45 –mlr-40
pdfstamp.exe –PDFs “C:\*.pdf” –o “C:\out” –AL -p6 -mtb-80 –w80
The first example is to stamp the PDF documents in C:\ and save the stamped PDF documents in C:\out. At the same time add text stamp to PDF documents.
The seconds example is to stamp the PDF documents in D:\ and save stamped PDF documents in D:\out. At the same time add image stamp to PDF documents.
The last example is to stamp the PDF documents in C:\ and save stamped PDF documents in C:\out. At the same time add line stamp to PDF documents.
5. Please hit Enter button to run the commands.
6. Browse the stamped PDF documents in specified location after the process.
Now are you interested in this application? Do you want to have a try of it? Please click the following button to download free trial version of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line to your computer.