CHM is widely used by the software publishers to show the usage of software as it is better in frame construction. By this file format, we can get the clear main idea of each part and it is also convent to find detail usage of some function. However, even if it is perfect, some day we may feel boring for long time burying yourself in the boring fonts. So why not change a way of reading. Maybe you can read the CHM file in your Smartphone and listening to the favorite song in any place. If you feel this way is interesting, please following my steps to make your CHM flip book.
Step 1. Convert CHM file to PDF.
As now in the market, there is no tool available for converting CHM to flipbook directly, we need to take the two-step strategy. Converting CHM to PDF first then PDF to flipbook.
- When converting CHM to PDF, please have a free trail of VeryPDF CHM to PDF Converter.
- Download CHM to PDF Converter to your computer and install it.
- After installation, there will be an icon on the desktop. Please double click it to enter the software interface. For illustrating the usage clearly, I made snapshot of its interface. Here it is.
Fig. 1. software interface of CHM to PDF Converter
- If you need to adjust output PDF file margin, page size and others, please set it by clicking the button Setting.
- If you have made everything ready, please click the button Start to run the conversion.
Step 2. Convert PDF file to flipbook.
- For converting PDF to flipbook, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryPDF Flipbook Maker.
- Here is the free downloading link of PDF to flipbook.
- It is also GUI version software, so please install and launch it like the other GUI software. The following snapshot is from software interface.
Fig. 2. software interface of Flipbook Maker
- Input the PDF file then do the setting on the left menu tab. One function needs to highlight that you can add music for the flipbook file.
- After setting, please do not forget to click Apply.
- Then you can upload it to your private account which is provided by VeryPDF online service.
- Then there will be URL produced, by it you can open it at any place. Also you can save it locally.
From the following demo, maybe you can feel more about the flipbook from CHM file. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us at any time.