If you need to stamp PDF document with image, text or graphic line by commands in MS-DOS interface, please take VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line as the tool. This application is able to apply company logos, signatures, charts, page numbers, date and time, contact information to the PDF files.
In order to use this application, please free download VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line. There is no need to install the application on the computer and you just need to extract it to local disk. Then please open the unzipped folder and the PDF document in current folder is the user manual of the application. There is an executable file named as pdfstamp.exe in example folder and it is the called program for stamping PDF document.
Then please open MS-DOS interface and you need to follow the command line template shown below to write your own commands:
pdfstamp.exe –PDF<PDF-file> –o<Output-file> [options]
PDF Stamp Command Line supports to add image, text, graphic line stamp to PDF document. Of course, there are different kinds of options that you can use. Please see some command examples below:
Image stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "15.pdf" -AI "logo.jpg" -p2
This command example is to add image stamp for PDF document. In commands:
-PDF "example.pdf" is to specify the file path of input PDF document.
-o "15.pdf" is to set the output location of the stamped PDF document.
-AI "logo.jpg" is to set the file path of image stamp.
-p2 is to stamp image on the Top-Center of the page.
Text stamp function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "14.pdf" -AT "verypdf.com Inc." -p7 -fs48 -c165296 -mtb-100
This command example is to add text stamp for PDF document. In commands:
-PDF "example.pdf" is to specify the file path of input PDF document.
-o "14.pdf" is to specify output file path of stamped PDF.
-AT "verypdf.com Inc." is to set text stamp with the text marked in quotations.
-p7 is to stamp the text on the Left-Bottom of the page
-fs48 is to set text font size as 48.
-c165296 is to set text color.
-mtb-100 is to ,move to bottom 100 points from current position.
Line function
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "16.pdf" -AL -p2 -mtb80 –w80
This command example is to add line stamp for PDF document. In commands:
-PDF "example.pdf" is to specify input PDF document path.
-o "16.pdf" is to set output stamped PDF document path.
-AL is to add line stamp for PDF document.
-p2 is to locate line stamp on the Top-Center of the page.
-mtb80 is to move line stamp to top 80 points from current position.
–w80 is to increase line length by 80%.
If you need to more information about this application, welcome visit the homepage of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line. If you want to use it for free, please download the free trail version of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line via clicking the following button.