How to use the command line application of PDF Stitch?

VeryPDF PDF Stitch can put multiple PDF pages per sheet when you want to generate a PDF with less pages than the original PDF. This application enables you to set the order when put multiple PDF pages per sheet. A command line version, as a gift, is provided if you purchase this product. This article aims to introduce the command line version of PDF Stitch.

pdf n-up, pdf stitch

Three Steps to stitch PDF pages

Generally speaking, only three steps are required to use PDF Stitch to n-up PDF pages.

Step 1: Download and Install PDF Stitch

PDF Stitch runs well in both Windows and Mac operating systems. Since this product is now being tested, if you want to evaluate this product, please contact the support group of VeryPDF by sending an email to  After you receive the installation file, please double click it to install it on your computer.

Step 2: Open the command line interface

You can do as follows to open the command line interface: Open the Start menu by clicking Start. >>Click Run on the menu. >>  Input cmd in the edit box and click Open to close the Run dialog box.

Step 3: Type a command line and press Enter

When the command line interface prompts out, please type a command line in the interface and then press Enter. For example,

pdfstitch.exe -per 2*2 input.pdf output.pdf

  • pdfstitch.exepresents the execution file.
  • -per 2*2means to put 4 pages per sheet: 2 pages a column and 2 pages a row.
  • input.pdfstands for the input file.
  • output.pdf stands for the output file.


Introduce PDF Stitch CMD

The following illustrate the usage and options:

Usage: pdfstitch [options] <input file> <output file>


Set page range

-pr <int,int,...>     : Select the page range, e.g., 1,3,5-10. Or you can use -even or -odd.
-even                    : Select only the even pages.
-odd                      : Select only the odd pages.

Set layout
-per <int*int>       : Set pages per sheet, e.g., 2*4 refers to put 8 pages per sheet: 2 pages a row and 4 pages a column.
-addline                : Add lines for pages.
-order <string>    : Specify the page order on each sheet. Four values are provided.
H      : Horizontal (default value)          V    : Vertical

stitch pdf order-horizontal                                                 stitch pdf order-vertical
HR      : Horizontal-reverse                   VR    : Vertical-reverse

stitch pdf order-horizontal reverse                                                stitch pdf order-vertical reverse

Add gutters
-gx <int unit>        : Specify the width of each vertical gutter.  Unit is in, mm, or pt.
-gy <int unit>        : Specify the height of each horizontal gutter. Unit is in, mm, or pt.

Gutters means the space between pages on a sheet.

gutters between pdf pages

Set page size

-size <string>       : Specify the sheet size. For instance, A3, A4, B3, and letter. Cannot be used with -scale.
-scale <int>          : Enlarge or shrink sheets by an exact percentage, e.g., -scale 100 is to retain the original size.

If you want to view more page sizes, please read the article at .

Set page margin
-t <int unit>         : Define the top margin for each output sheet. Unit is in, mm, or pt.
-l <int unit>         : Define the left side margin for each output sheet. Unit is in, mm, or pt.
-r <int unit>         : Define the right side margin for each output sheet. Unit is in, mm, or pt.
-b <int unit>        : Define the bottom margin for each output sheet. Unit is in, mm, or pt.

Rotate pages

-rt <int>                : Rotate the input PDF pages. (0, 90, 180, or 270. Default is 0.)

The preset option

-plan <string> <path> : Use a plan file instead of other options. Cannot be used with other options. <string> refers to the plan file type: "lua" or "legacy".  <path> refers to the path of the selected plan file. For example,  pdfstitch -plan "lua" test.plan input.pdf output.pdf

Register the product

-$ <regcode>          : Register the application.

VeryPDF PDF Stitch will soon be published. If you are interested in this product, please pay attention to the website:

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