In order to convert specified page range of PDF document to PowerPoint file, please have a try of the application VeryPDF PDF to PowerPoint Converter. You will be able to realize the conversion that you need and you will see how to use this application in the following contents.
This is a useful tool designed to help you convert PDF to PowerPoint (PPT) with high quality. With this application, you can convert PDF to PPT with or without images. Moreover, it can help you maintain the original layouts, hyperlinks, colors, graphics, etc. in the result PPT files. Just free download VeryPDF PDF to PowerPoint Converter to your computer. Please double click the installer and then follow the setup wizard to fulfill the installation.
First, please add the PDF document that you want to convert to PowerPoint document into the application by drag and drop operations or clicking the button Add PDF File (s) below the file list. For delete the selected PDF document, please click Remove button and the button Remove All is used to clear the file list.
Secondly, in Output Options group box, you are able to choose whether retain images of PDF document in the created PowerPoint document according to the two given options.
Thirdly, you can choose which kind of reconstruction mode for created PowerPoint document in Reconstruction Mode group box. There are three options for your choice and you just need check the option that you need.
Fourthly, in Page Range group box, there are two options you can choose:
- When you check the option All Pages, you will convert all PDF pages to PowerPoint document.
- When you check the option Select Range, you will be able to input the page range in From and To spin boxes. Then you are able to convert specified PDF pages to PowerPoint document.
At last, please click Convert button. You will see a popup window named as Save as in which you can set the output location and file name for the target file. Click Save button, the conversion will run itself and what you need to do next is just to wait for several seconds.
You will get some information about this conversion in the following snapshot.
If you are interested in this application, you can enter the homepage of VeryPDF PDF to PowerPoint Converter to learn more about it.