When convert image to searchable PDF, some users find that the result PDF is too large. Thanks to the latest version of VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line v5.0, users can greatly reduce the output file size without damaging text content.
The new version of VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line use the JBIG2, an image compression standard, to compress monochromic scanned images effectively. In the lossless mode, JBIG2 typically generates files one third to one fifth the size of the original images. The output files are smaller than the original ones, easer to be shared online, quicker to be uploaded and downloaded, and occupy less disk space.
How to create a very small PDF from TIFF?
The following shows how to create a very small size PDF from TIFF using command line.
First, you need to download VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line v5.0. After uncompress the ZIP file, you will find a execute file named img2pdfnew.exe, which contains all the new features of VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line v5.0.
Second, run the Command Prompt. You can press the Windows key and R on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box. Then, type cmd in the edit box and click OK in the Run dialog box.
Third, type a command line in the Command Prompt and then press Enter.
The usage of VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter v5.0 is
img2pdf [options] <Image-file> [<PDF-file>]
- img2pdf—calls VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter v5.0.
- [options]—the options for reducing file size is -bwimg 2, that can compress black and white image file with JBIG2 arithmetic.
- <Image-file>—the input image file such as TIFF, JPG and PNG.
- [<PDF-file>]—the result PDF file.
Given a B&W TIFF file which is 1.60 MB, you can use the following command line to compress it to a PDF of 124 KB.
img2pdfnew.exe -bwimg 2 -ocr 1 -tsocr bro.tiff bro2.pdf
Where there are three options:
- -bwimg 2—reduce a B&W canned image greatly using JBIG2 arithmetic.
- -ocr 1—create searchable PDF where text can be copied and highlighted. If you don’t use this option, the result PDF cannot be searchable.
- -tsocr—use the Tesseract OCR engine with the the default OCR engine together. To recognize foreign languages, this option is required with another option -tsocrlang <string>. If the input file is English, you can get a compressed PDF without using this option.
View the effects: From 1.60 MB to 124 KB
The first illustration shows a part of the original TIFF file which is 1.60 MB. (The command line is img2pdfnew.exe -ocr 1 -tsocr bro.tiff bro0.pdf.)
The second one shows the effect of the uncompressed PDF file, which is 2.08 MB.
The third one illustrates the result compressed PDF of using JBIG2 arithmetic. It is only 124 KB.
Have any questions? Please feel free to drop a line. I will replay to you as soon as possible. Hope you enjoy using VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line v5.0 to create small searchable PDF files from TIFF.
>>I want convert from TIFF to Searchable PDF. What products can be used to convert scanned PDF and TIFF files to searchable PDF files? do you have a utility for this?
Thanks for your message, the following products are all can convert scanned PDF files to searchable PDF files, the output PDF files will contain a hidden text layer, you can open OCRed PDF files in Adobe Reader and search text contents properly,
Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line,
PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line,
VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line,