Designed to convert image to searchable PDF, VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter V 5.0 is very good at recognized multi-lingual text in images and convert image to PDF with over or cover text layers. The background image be well retained and extra spaces between words can be removed when copy from PDF to TXT or Word documents. There some articles that have introduced how to convert from image to PDF:
To meet some users requirements, VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter V 5.0 adds a new feature to convert PDF to image. Thus, users can also use this application to convert image to PDF without downloading an image to PDF converter. The rest part introduces options for conversion from PDF to image.
1. Set page range
Two options are provided to set page range. In another word, you can extract some pages and save them in an image format. You need to use the two options at the same time:
- -firstpg <int> stands for the first page of the range.
- -lastpg <int> stands for the last page or the range.
If you want to convert a PDF to a multi-page TIFF, the option -multipage is required. E.g.,
- img2pdfnew.exe -firstpg 5 -lastpg 26 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -firstpg 2 -lastpg 16 -multipage C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -firstpg 14 -lastpg 30 C:\in.pdf C:\out.gif
- img2pdfnew.exe -firstpg 22 -lastpg 56 C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
2. Set PDF page size
When use VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter V 5.0 to set PDF page size, you need to use three options:
- -iswh is required to set page size when convert PDF to image. But when convert image to PDF, this option is not necessary.
- -width <int> set page width.
- -height <int> set page width.
The following examples may be helpful:
- img2pdfnew.exe -iswh -width 800 -height 600 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\in.tif C:\out.pdf
3. Set color depth and resolution
The options relating to color are
- -bitcount <int> can set color depth.
- -autobitcount can determine color depth automatically.
- -pidpi <int> can set DPI resolution.
For instance,
- img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 300 -bitcount 1 -multipage C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 200 -bitcount 1 -compress 4 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -autobitcount C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
- img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 300 C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
- img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 400 C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpg
- img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 500 C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
4. Compress image
Two options are provided to reduce image size when convert PDF to image:
- -compress <int> can set compression method to TIFF.
- -quality <int> can set quality for JPEG, JPEG2000 compression
The following are some examples:
- img2pdfnew.exe -compress 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tiff
- img2pdfnew.exe -compress 3 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -compress 32773 C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -quality 10 C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
- img2pdfnew.exe -quality 46 C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
- img2pdfnew.exe -quality 90 C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpg
5. Decrypt PDF
If the input PDF is encrypted and you know the passwords, you can use the following options to decipher them:
- -opw <string> decrypt owner password protected PDF.
- -upw <string> decrypt user password protected PDF.
For example,
- img2pdfnew.exe -opw "123" -upw "456" C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
- img2pdfnew.exe -opw "abc" -upw "eff" C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpeg
- img2pdfnew.exe -opw "1ee2f3" -upw "s44r" C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
Hope VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter V 5.0 can help you convert image to PDF and convert PDF to image without downloading new applications. If you have any questions, or want to get VeryPDF Image to PDF OCR Converter V 5.0, please feel free to contact the support group of VeryPDF.
Is there docuemtnation that contains a full list of command line options for both img2pdf and img2pdfnew?
Also, what is the difference between the two .exes?
Thanks for your message.
img2pdf.exe is a basic command line application to convert image files to PDF files.
img2pdfnew.exe is an advanced version of Image to PDF Converter Command Line, it has more powerful options than img2pdf.exe, in general, you can use img2pdfnew.exe to instead of img2pdf.exe directly.
If you want convert a color PDF file to B/W PDF file, you can also download “Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line” from following web page to try,
after you download it, you can run following command lines to convert a color PDF file to B/W PDF file easily,
//Convert color PDF file to B&W PDF file using halftone technology
img2pdfnew.exe _test-color.pdf _test-BW1.pdf
//Convert color PDF file to B&W PDF file without using halftone technology
img2pdfnew.exe -bitcount 8 -threshold 180 _test-color.pdf _test-BW2.pdf
img2pdfnew.exe does render all PDF pages to whole color images first, and then convert them to black and white PDF file, it will handle all objects in PDF pages automatically.
Thank you.
May I ask last question?
Is it possible do
img2pdfnew.exe -bitcount 8 -threshold 180 _test-color.pdf temp.pdf
img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 300 -bitcount 1 -compress 4 -multipage temp.pdf 5.tif
in one step ?
I tried combine but results were bad.
These two command lines will convert from a color PDF file to a BW TIFF file,
img2pdfnew.exe -bitcount 8 -threshold 180 _test-color.pdf temp.pdf
img2pdfnew.exe -pidpi 300 -bitcount 1 -compress 4 -multipage temp.pdf 5.tif
img2pdfnew.exe is a professional software to convert from image file to PDF file, but it hasn’t enough parameters to convert from PDF file to TIFF file. If you wish convert from color PDF file to BW TIFF file without using halftone technology, please download “PDF to Image Converter Command Line” from following web page to try, you can use “PDF to Image Converter Command Line” to convert from color PDF file to BW TIFF file with or without halftone technology,
You can run following command lines to convert a color PDF file to BW TIFF file with or without halftone technology,
pdf2img.exe -r 300 -compress 4 -gray -threshold 180 -multipage test3.pdf _test3_no_halftone.tif
pdf2img.exe -r 300 -compress 4 -mono -multipage test3.pdf _test3_halftone.tif
pdf2img.exe -r 300 -compress 4 -gray -threshold 180 test_skew.pdf _test_skew.tif