Dear Inc:
I noticed the your product can be used from the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Text2PDF v1.5\txt2pdf.exe" C:\in.txt C:\out.pdf
Instead of specifying only 1 file for conversion is there a way to do multiple files or ideally an entire input folder to an output folder?
Thank You,
Thanks for your message.
You can put all the PDF files needed conversion into one folder then use wild characters * to make the batch conversion.
Like: "C:\Program Files\Text2PDF v1.5\txt2pdf.exe" C:\*.txt C:\out.pdf
Please have a try. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.
The following does not work:
"C:\Program Files\Text2PDF v1.5\txt2pdf.exe" C:\*.txt C:\out.pdf
(I have two txt files in the root of C:\) It generates a 1KB .pdf file called out.pdf.
When I try to open that file it displays the error:
"There was an error opening this document. There was a problem reading this document (14)."
Additionally, I don't want all the txt files to be converted into one big out.pdf file.
I want each txt file to generate its own pdf file with the same name as the "original txtfile name".pdf
A single file works fine:
"C:\Program Files\Text2PDF v1.5\txt2pdf.exe" C:\txt-in\email-validator.txt C:\pdf-out\email-validator.pdf
Please help.
Please refer to following web page, we hoping this web page will useful to you,
That was exactly what I needed. Thank you, please close ticket.
Thank you.