Keep opaque, opacity and transparent color printing in PDFPrint Command Line software

See attached file. The red areas are printed as solid red, not opaque (see thru) as shown,


we are using following command line,

pdfprint.exe E:\MyDocument\Downloads\E3(1).pdf

the following is the printout,


How to print the opaque  color areas correctly?


Please run following command lines to print your PDF file again,
pdfprint.exe -shell C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -shell2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -raster2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -printermargins -raster2 C:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -raster2 -rasterbwtext -rasterbitcount 1 -xres 200 -yres 200 C:\input.pdf
pdfprint.exe -useembedfont C:\test.pdf

Can you print your PDF file properly with one of above command lines?



1. The -raster2 switch always works. The problem with using -raster2 is that it generates a large (220MB file) that takes minutes to print. This is not acceptable.

2. The -shell commands will not work with automated printing (what's the point of having a command line program if it opens the default PDF viewer).


The following command line will print your PDF file with small print job, please to try,

pdfprint.exe -raster2 -rasterbwtext -rasterbitcount 1 -xres 150 -yres 150 C:\input.pdf



To get color printing I used the following:

pdfprint.exe -raster2 -rasterbitcount 16 -xres 150 -yres 150 D:\E3.pdf

Now, the opaque, opacity and transparent color areas are printing correctly.


Thanks for your help.


Thank you, this is a good news.


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