Batch convert multiple pdf to tif in a folder

Hi, I was trying it out before I buy, I was interested because it has command line capability to convert pdf to multipage tif. I want to automate the whole process. I wan t to know if I can convert multiple pdf files in a directory to multipage tif files. Also from the demo version I was able to convert up to 3 pages, is this limitation only in demo?. I was not able to convert pdf to multipage tif in 32 bit color I was able to do to either monochrome or grey scale. Can you provide the script for converting pdf to multipage tif in 32 bit color with 6 pages.



Thanks for the quick reply. I have another quick question, is it possible to convert a bunch of pdf's inside a directory, I want to automate the process if so could you please provide me the script for automatically converting a bunch of pdf's to multipage tif's.



//You can use following one command line to batch convert all of your files at one time easily,

#1: Convert all PDF files to TIFF files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.tif"

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" -mono -multipage "%F" "%~dpnF.tif"

#2: Convert all PDF files to TIFF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.tif"
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" -mono -multipage "%F" "%~dpnF.tif"

//You can do samething in .bat file, but you need use "%%" to instead of "%" in .bat file,

for %%F in ("D:\temp\*.pdf") do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" "%%F" "%%~nF.tif"

for %%F in ("%CD%\*.pdf") do do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" "%%F" "%%~nF.tif"

for %%F in ("D:\temp\*.pdf") do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" -mono -multipage "%%F" "%%~nF.tif"

for %%F in ("%CD%\*.pdf") do do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2img.exe" -mono -multipage "%%F" "%%~nF.tif"


PDF to Image Converter Command Line can be downloaded and purchased from following web page,

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