Question: Can I add multiple stamps commands by the PDF Stamp command line version?
For instance:
pdfstamp.exe -PDF Y:\PDF\PO\PO-63927.pdf -o Y:\PDF\PO\PO-63927-FI.pdf -at " FILE" -MTB770 -MLR250 -SR -S1 -E99 -AI Y:\pdf\pdfstamp_cmd\Silbo-Signature.jpg -W50 -H50 -L -MTB443.08 -MLR250 -SR -S3 –E1
Answer: By VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line software, you can add many stamps in one command line. I will take some commands for example:
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "opacity.pdf" -AT "VeryPDF Opacity" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -C#FF0000 -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200
By this above command line, you can add two stamps: VeryPDF Opacity and one logo.jpg. Please compare the effect from the following snapshot.
In the following part, I will show more examples about how to use this software.
First, download PDF Stamp Command Line
- There are many versions stated on our website, please choose the right version.
- As its name shows, this is command line software. For downloading fast, we have compressed it to zip file and then upload it to our website. So once the downloading finishes, it is an zip file. Please unzip it and then you can check the elements in it.
- There is one user manual included in download package, please canvass it carefully then you can unearth more powerful functions.
Second, stamp PDF according to usage and examples
- As there are many parameters of this software, I can not list all of them here. So please check parameters in the user manual.
- Let us check usage of some parameters through the following examples. Then you can deduce that by this software you can combine multiple stamps in one command.
- When you need to add some text stamps meanwhile add hyperlinks to the text stamps, please use the following command line.
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "17.pdf" -AT "Supports web links" -p2 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -r15 -u "" -AT "Supports page links" -p4 -fs32 -c255 -mlr-50 -mtb200 -go 3 -AI "logo.jpg" -p9 -r15 -l -op "openlink.txt"
The parameters I used here:
-PDF:Open an existing PDF file to stamp.
-o:Write output to a new file, the default is stamp on the input PDF file.
-AT: This parameter is an order to create a Text Stamp.
-p2 :Stamps on the Top-Center of the page.
-fs32: This parameter is an order to specify text stamp font style.
-c255: This parameter is an order to specify the text stamp color as red.
-mlr:Offset from current position, the value after this parameter is an offset value, default n equal zero.
-u:Add a web link to a target URL on the Web.
-go :Go to page , open a specified page in the current document.
Now let us check the adding effect from the following snapshot. VeryPDF PDF Stamp command line can add multiple stamps in one command line, which can get verifiable proof from the following snapshot.
During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.