In the information pollution era, it is hard to find some valuable information. So once we find some,we will be eager to save it for future use. The easiest way to do it is that snapshot the information from the website and then save it to PDF document for future use.
The information pollution is the contamination of information supply with irrelevant,redundant, unsolicited and low-value information. The spread of of the useless and undesirable information has effected our life greatly, so once you can master this way, you can avoid searching again and again. In the following part, I will show you how to create PDF from various image formats.
Step 1. Download VeryPDF PDF Editor
- If you never hear about this software, you can know a wee bit from PDF Editor homepage.
- From the Try-and-Buy tab download corresponding version to your computer.
- Once downloading finishes, there will be an exe in the download folder. Please install it by double clicking the exe file.
- Once installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click this icon when you need to launch this software.
Step 2. Add PDF to Software
- Please add PDF to software interface by dragging or clicking File then go to Open. Please check following snapshot to get a vivid impression.
- As we need to create PDF from image file, we can ignore the above step. Please click File then go to Create PDF. When you need to insert image to some existed PDF file, the above step is necessary. Here you can choose create PDF from one file or multiple files. And the hotkey of opening create PDF dialogue box is “Ctr+M”.
- Here I will take creating PDF from multiple file for example. Once you click that option, you will see the following dialogue box. You can add image files as many as you need. The image formats could be: emf, bmp, wmf, jpg, gif, tif, png, tag and pcx.
- After adding image files, please specify the output folder. If you have finished setting part, please click button OK. Then you can back to the main interface and all the added image file could be viewed in the software preview Window.
- When you back to the main interface, please click option File then go to Save as, then you can save the added images to a new PDF file. Please note that this step is necessary or else you can create PDF from those images.
- After setting, if you need to add password for the newly produced PDF file, please click option Advance then you will find the tab for setting password. Once you add the password for output PDF, no one can open it without your permission.
Here is the end about introducing how to create PDF from various image formats by PDF Editor. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.