After editing PDF file, some times we need protect it for copyright protecting. For protecting PDF file, we can add open password to protect it from being opened and we can set owner password for protect it from being printed, copied and others. Now VeryPDF PDF Editor has been updated, by this one software, you can either edit PDF document and the set password for it. In this article, I will show you how to encrypt PDF by PDF Editor.
Step 1. Install PDF Editor
- Download PDF Editor and install it. This is GUI version software, so you need to install it by double click the downloaded exe file. The installation takes 5-10 seconds. Once the installation finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop.
- When you need to launch this software, please double click the icon.
Step 2. Encrypt PDF
- The following snapshot is from the software interface. Please add files by dragging from its containing folder to software interface or click option Open.
- It is not hard to find option Advanced on the top list. Please click it then you will see the dropdown list where you can see the option PDF Security Tool. Please click it then you will enter the following dialogue box.
- Here you can encrypt PDF according to PDF version. As the encryption methods maybe is not compatible to all version PDF files. There is one encryption level:128-bit AES.
- In the Select Document Component to be Encrypted, there are three options for you to choose:
- Encrypt all document component.
- Encrypt all document component except metadata. This option is only for Acrobat 6.0 and later.
- Encrypt only file attachments. This option is only for Acrobat 7.0 and later
- In the following part, you can set open password to protect PDF to be opened.
- In the permission part, you can set owner password, Here you can set limitations in the following aspects.
- Print PDF in high and low resolution.
- Commenting, filling in form fields and signing in signature fields.
- Any except extracting pages.
- Inserting, deleting or rotating pages.
- Enable text access for screen reader devices for visually impaired.
When you finish setting part, please click button OK to specify the output folder. A few seconds later, the encryption process will be finished. And there will pop up message reminding you to open the output or not. By this way you can make editing PDF and encrypting PDF together. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.