Print online file to printer directly from script

    VeryPDF PDFprint 3.1 has been updated recently and it can be used to print any printable file either online or local to printer for printing directly. And this software is command line version, so it allows you to control printer through script. If you are practicing printing job and you are familiar with  command line, this software can be your good company. In the following part, I will show you how this software works.

Step 1. Download PDFprint

  • This software is command line version and for downloading easily, we have compressed it to zip file. Once downloading finishes, please extract the zip file to some folder then you can check the elements.
  • Please note all the functions I mentioned here are available in the latest version. However, some of them may not be included in the older version.

Step 2.  Print online file to printer by script

Usage: pdfprint.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
Examples: in the following part, I will take virtual printer docPrint as example instead of real printer.

  • When you need to print single online file to printer and specify printing copies, paper size, please refer to the following command line template. When you do real printing, please replace virtual printer by the real printer name.
    pdfprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -copies 3 -paper 9
    -printer <string>         : this parameter is an order to specify the printer name to process printing job.
    -copies <int>                : this parameter is designed to set number of copies to print

    -paper <string>           : this parameter can be used to specify paper size to printer
        pdf    : retrieve paper size from PDF file
        number : standard paper size
        others : user defined paper size
    When printing local files and specify paper size, please refer to the following command line. And Parameter –orient can be help you set the printing orientations.
    pdfprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 1 C:\input.pdf
    pdfprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "612x792pt" -orient 2 C:\input.pdf
    pdfprint.exe -printer "docPrint" -paper "11x14in" -pdforient 3 C:\input.pdf

Note:this software supports all the printable files as input and it only can work under Windows system both of 32-bit and 64-bit. And now there is only server version available for the single computer user. By the sever version, you can either let it work on single computer or make it work under the whole server. And by the command line version, you can use it easily together with C#, VB, VC and other applications.

During printing online file to printer, if you have any question, please contact VeryPDF support team as soon as possible.


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