VeryPDF Document Converter 6.0 can be used to create PDF file automatically by monitoring folders. After creating, this software also can help you optimize PDF for fast website viewing and information transferring. When comes to create PDF files, this software can help you create from most of common files like Office files, Open Office Document, AutoCAD files and so on so forth. All you need to do is that put all files needed converting to some folder and then those files will be converted at once. In the following part, I will show you how to use this function.
Step 1. Install Document Converter 6.0
- This software is Windows application, if you need to use it under Mac or Linux, please contact us then we will develop one for you. Once downloading finishes, there will be an icon on the desktop. Simply click it then you can launch this software.
- When installation finishes, there will be two more virtual printers:docPrint PDF driver and docPrint. And when you need to use this software as command line version, simply go to installation folder and then call docPrint in MS Dos Windows.
Step 2. Create PDF
- Please launch this software then you will see the following snapshot. Click button File on the left top corner then there will be dropdown list. Please choose Set Monitored folder, then you will see right menu dialogues box. Please click button Add then you can see dialogue box overlay at the top. Please input specified monitored folder and specify output folder. Repeat clicking button Add, then you can monitor folders as many as you need. When you finish setting part, please click button OK to back to the main interface.
- Then you do not need to add files to software interface. Once you add files to monitored folder, they will be converted to PDF at once.
Please note the default output file format is PDF, when you need to convert files to image formats, please click button Setting where you can set more limitations about output PDF files.
Step 3. Optimize PDF
- When you need optimize PDF, please click button File and then choose Run Batch PDF Editor Tool. Please add output PDF files to Editor Tool interface and then click button Option then you will see the following snapshot.
- Here you can choose which part can be removed, embedded or compressed, say you can choose to remove metadata, remove JavaScript Actions, remove embedded page, remove comments, remove bookmark and so on so forth.
- When you finish setting, you can do other settings in other tabs. Please click button OK to back to the main interface.
By this method, you can create PDF from any printable files and then optimize PDF. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.