By the latest version VeryPDF PDFcamp 64-bit, you can convert Email in any file formats to various image formats and PDF. Meanwhile by this software, you can insert Email content to any PDF file either at the first page or the last page. When finish converting, you can add your watermark or company logo to PDF file. The latest version can work under all the Windows version both 32-bit and 64-bit system even if we named it as 64-bit version.
Step 1. Install PDFcamp 64-bit
- If your computer system is 32-bit, you can download any version on our website but they are different in function. But if your computer is 64-bit version, please make sure download the right version. And there is also one PDFcamp Pro on the website, the Pro version only can work under the 32-bit version.
- When downloading finishes, please double click the exe file and follow installation message. There is no launching icon when installation finishes, please launch it in Start menu or find it in Printer list.
Step 2. Insert Email to PDF
- Please open the Email needed converting, find option File and then go to option Print like I showed in the following snapshot. Then there will dialogue box showing up reminding to set printing options and choose printer. Please choose PDFcamp as the virtual printer.
- When printing finishes, there will be dialogue box reminding to save the output PDF file. Please choose the PDF that you need to insert then you can choose insert the Email to the first page of PDF or the last page of PDF. A few seconds later, you will be reminded to Run Batch PDF Editor or not. Please click button Yes, then the converted PDF will be added to Batch PDF Editor.Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. This is from VeryPDF email box.
- By this way, you can insert Email to PDF successfully.
Step 3. Add watermark to PDF
- When you click Yes, then you will see the following software interface. Please specify output file path. Then click button Option to do setting part.
- The following snapshot is from software option menu. Here you can either add text stamp, image,stamp, PDF stamp or line stamp. During the adding, you can design watermark style, color, opacity, position and so on. After designing, you can view watermark effect in the preview Windows.
- When you finish setting, please click button OK to back to the main interface.
- Then click button Start to run the stamping process. A few seconds later, you can check the output PDF file.
By this software, you can insert Email to PDF and add watermark and stamp output PDF. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.