In this article, I will show you how to stamp PDF by image, text, logo, seal, lines by command line and control stamping page range. I use the tool of VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line, which supports many functions like stamping PDF files with images in various formats: JPEG/JPG, GIF, PCX, TGA, ICO, PNG, JP2, PNM, TIFF/TIF, BMP, etc, rotate the text stamps on any angle and so on so forth. Please check more functions on our website.
Step 1. Prepare for conversion
- Download PDF Stamp Command Line. All the VeryPDF software are free downloading and trial. If you are interested in this software, why not download one and use it following the instruction here.
- This is Window application, if you are Mac or Linux user, please contact us then we will customize one for you.
Step 2. Stamp PDF and Control Page Range
[<-PDF> <file> [-O <file>] –>specify input PDF
[<-PDFS> <dir> [-O <dir> ] [-A] ]—>when stamp PDF in batch in bath by specifying some directories
[<-AT> <string> [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]—> stamp PDF by text stamp
[-U <url>]/[-GO <page no.>]/[-OP <file>]/[-GR <file> <page no.>]—> specify links to the stamps
[-Cn] [-H] [-FNn/-FT <name>] [-FSn] [-ML/-MR/-MC] ]
[<-AI> <string> [-Pn] [-MLRn] [-MTBn] [-Rn] [-L]—> stamp PDF by image
- When you need to stamp PDF and control page range, please refer to the following command line template.
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "18.pdf" -SR -s-2 -e-2 -AT "Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range." -p2 -fs32 -c2666666 –mtb200
When you input the command line, please specify input and output PDF first, the specify the start page and end page of stamping, then specify the text stamp or image stamp and its position, color and others.
Related Parameters:
-PDF:please specify input PDF file path after this parameter
-o:specify output PDF file path after this parameter
SR Pages to Stamp — Specify Start page and page count , default is from first page to maximum page number.
-Sn (default is -S1): Start page number.
-En (default is maximum page):page count.Set which pages to stamp on by selecting a predefined range
-AT:specify text stamp and values should follow this parameter then they can work when you add text stamp
-p2:Stamps on the Top-Center of the page
-fs32:this parameter can help you sent stamp font size as 32
-c2666666: this parameter is for specify text stamp color
Please check more parameter explanation in help documents. There is one more example here for your reference.
pdfstamp.exe -newlayer "VeryPDF New Layer" -PDF "example.pdf" -o "newlayer.pdf" -SR -S1 –E1 -AT "VeryPDF New\nLayer Test" -FT "Arial" -P9 -FS100 -opacity50 -R45 -C#0000FF -AI logo.jpg -opacity80 -P2 -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200
During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.