Stamp PDF file with embed font

1. how do i use PDFSTAMP to add a Text (-AT option) only to the first page of the PDF?

2. how do i add Text at a specific location let say: 10cm from top and 15 from left

3. i am using a system font OCRB w -FT "OCRB" option,
but the fonts looks completely different.

i am using:

pdfstamp -PDF "test1.pdf" -o "Finala1.pdf" -AT "\n\n\n\nMME LUCIE TOUCHET\n3 IMPASSE DE LA POSTE\n41800 FONTAINE LES COTEAUX" -fs9 -FT "OCRB" -ML

also in Fonts there are different styles, how do i specify the style.

your product is great but documentation and simple examples are not so good....

>>1. how do i use PDFSTAMP to add a Text (-AT option) only to the first page of the PDF?

You can use "-SR -S1 -E1" to add watermark to the first page of PDF file,

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "12.pdf" -AT " Inc." -SR -S1 -E1

>>2. how do i add Text at a specific location let say: 10cm from top and 15 from left

You can use "-p1" and [-MLRn] [-MTBn] to control the position for watermark text,

pdfstamp.exe -PDF "example.pdf" -o "12.pdf" -AT " Inc." -p1 -fs48 -c65296 -AT " Inc." -MLR50 -MTB50

You can adjust the values of [-MLRn] [-MTBn] until the position is okay to you.

>>3. i am using a system font OCRB w -FT "OCRB" option,
>>but the fonts looks completely different.
>>also in Fonts there are different styles, how do i specify the style.

The latest version of PDFStamp Command Line does support such special fonts, you can download latest version of PDFStamp Command Line from following URL,

the latest version of pdfstamp.exe does support “-unicode” parameter, you can use this parameter to add the text watermark with special fonts, for example,

pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o embed-font-test.pdf -at "\n\n\n\nMME LUCIE TOUCHET\n3 IMPASSE DE LA POSTE\n41800 FONTAINE LES COTEAUX\n---------\n\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5\n---------\n\x3041\x3037\x30C7\x3081\x308F\x30E7\n---------\n\xB636\xB625\xB5A0\xB1EC" -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -C#FF0000 -unicode



>>your product is great but documentation and simple examples are not so good....

You can search more examples and questions about PDFStamp Command Line product in our Knowledge Base, we are always add the new articles every day,


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