When you need to convert website or HTML file to PDF or PDF/A for long time preservation, maybe you can have a free trial of software VeryPDF HTML Converter Command Line. By this software, you can also convert HTML file to PDF/X file and disable hyperlinks in output PDF file. There are too numerous functions of this software to be listed, please read more on homepage of this software. Now let us come to the point to know how to convert HTML to PDF/A and disable hyperlinks.
Step 1. Download HTML Converter
- There are two versions listed on the website, please download the command line version.
- When downloading finishes, zip file shows up in downloading folder. Please extract it to some folder then you can call the executable file in MS Dos Windows.
Step 2. Convert HTML to PDF, PDF/A or PDF/X and disable hyperlinks
- When you run this software, please refer to the following command line template and examples.
htmltools.exe -pdfa "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert online website to PDF/A file.
htmltools.exe -pdfa C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert EMF file to PDF/A file.
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.pdf
If you do not add any parameter, this software will convert online file to PDF directly.
htmltools.exe -pdfx C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert EMF file to PDF/X file.
hthtmltools.exe "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
By this command line,we can convert local HTML file to PDF.
htmltools.exe -disablelinks "C:\in.html" C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert HTML file to PDF and disable hyperlinks.
Now let us check related parameters:
-pdfx : when you need to create PDF/X compliance PDF file, please add this parameter.
-pdfa : when you need to create PDF/A compliance PDF file, please add this parameter.
-disablelinks : this parameter can help you disable hyperlinks within HTML to PDF conversion.
- When converting HTML to PDF, PDF/A or PDF/X, this software also always you to set various limitations like set margins, passwords or others. Please know more from the following command line templates and parameters.
htmltools.exe -width 612 -height 792 -emfheight 792 C:\in.htm C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -width 612 -height 792 -pageheight 792 C:\in.htm C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -width 612 -height 792 -ph 792 C:\in.htm C:\out.pdf
-width <int> : Set page width to PDF file
-height <int> : Set page height to PDF file
-bwidth <int> : Set web browser's width for HTML conversion
-bheight <int> : Set web browser's height for HTML conversion
-margin <string> : Set page margin to PDF file
-margin 10 : Set margin to 10pt to left
-margin 10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top
-margin 10x10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right
-margin 10x10x10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right,bottom
Meanwhile, you can also add page number, date and others as watermark to output PDF file. If you need to know more, please explore them in the readme.txt file. And during the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.