VeryPDF HTML Converter can help you convert HTML file PDF file in batch through command line. Meanwhile this software also can help you merge PDF file through command line. If you need to convert HTML to PDF and then merge PDF file in batch, this software is a nice choice. Please check more information about this software on its homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to convert HTML to PDF and then merge PDF file.
Step 1. Download HTML Converter
- This software only works under Windows system, so if you are Mac or Linux user, please find software in Mac software list.
- When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can call the executable file in MS Dos Windows.
Step 2. Convert HTML to PDF and merge PDF file.
- When you run the conversion, please refer to the usage and examples.
- Here is the usage for your reference:
htmltools [options] <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-RTF-file> [<PDF-PS-Image-file>]htmltools [options] <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-RTF-file> [<PDF-PS-Image-file>] - When converting HTML to PDF, please refer to the following command line templates.
- When you need to merge the output PDF file, please refer to the following command line templates.
htmltools.exe -nocenter -playemf2 -width 612 -height 792 -delbreakpagetext -breakpagebytext "Break page at here" "C:\in.htm" C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert HTML to PDF and specify height and width. Also you can specify the page break at where.
htmltools.exe -nocenter -playemf2 -width 612 -height 792 -delbreakpagetext -breakpagebytext "Break page at here" -emfheight 792 "C:\in.htm" C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -proxy "" out.pdf
By this kind of command line,we can convert online website to PDF directly. Meanwhile you can specify the port of browser.
htmltools.exe -useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)" "" out.pdf
htmltools.exe -webkit "" D:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -mergepdf "C:\1.pdf|C:\2.pdf|C:\3.pdf" C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -mergepdf "C:\*.pdf" C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -mergepdf "C:\filelist.txt" C:\out.pdf
htmltools.exe -mergepdf "C:\test-extraction.pdf*10-15 C:\out10-15.pdf
htmltools.exe -mergepdf "C:\test-extraction.pdf*500-501 C:\out500-501.pdf
This software provides more than 3 modes to merge PDF file, so you can choose any one of them to merge PDF file. Say you can simply input PDF name to the command line them merge them. Or you can list all the PDF needed merging to one in the text file then merge them . Also you can extract some pages from one PDF and then merge them to a new one. Here are some parameters for your reference.
-mergepdf <string> : Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
-mergepdf "file1|file2|file3|...": Merge several PDF files into one
-mergepdf "C:\filelist.txt": Merge PDF files from a .txt file
-mergepdf "C:\test.pdf*100-200*250-300": Extract page ranges from PDF file
-mergepdf "C:\*.pdf": Merge PDF files into one PDF file
By this software with those parameters, you can convert HTML file to PDF and merge PDF file easily. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.