Why we developed Cloud API?
As the cloud computing developing, we are now more direct use cases for cloud computing, which require greater levels of customization. Simply desktop or laptop conversion does not requires too much technology, but when run conversion there will be quite some difficulty as system administrators has limitations and are looking for more ways to integrate with their cloud model. If you use the HTML to Image Cloud API for running conversion on server, administrators can integrate applications and other workloads into the cloud using these APIs without any difficulty.
There are many modes of API, like PaaS APIs (Service-level), SaaS APIs (Application-level), IaaS APIs (Infrastructure-level) and Cloud provider and cross-platform APIs. VeryPDF HTML to Image Cloud API belongs Cloud provider and cross-platform APIs, by which has greater cross-platform compatibility. This can save a lot of time and development energy since organizations can now access the resources and workloads of different cloud providers and platforms.
What HTML to Image options provides?
--allow <path> Allow the file or files from the specified folder to be loaded (repeatable)
--book Set the options one would usually set when printing a book
--collate Collate when printing multiple copies
--cookie <name> <value> Set an additional cookie (repeatable)
--cookie-jar <path> Read and write cookies from and to the supplied cookie jar file
--copies <number> Number of copies to print into the pdf file (default 1)
--cover <url> Use html document as cover. It will be inserted before the toc with no headers and footers
-custom-header <name> <value> Set an additional HTTP header (repeatable)
--debug-javascript Show javascript debugging output
--default-header Add a default header, with the name of the page to the left, and the page number to the right, this is short for:
--top 2cm
--disable-external-links Do no make links to remote web pages
--disable-internal-links Do no make local links
--disable-javascript Do not allow web pages to run javascript
--disable-pdf-compression Do not use lossless compression on pdf objects
--disable-smart-shrinking Disable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant
-disallow-local-file-access Do not allowed conversion of a local file to read in other local files, unless explicitly allowed with --allow
-d --dpi <dpi> Change the dpi explicitly (this has no effect on X11 based systems)
--enable-plugins Enable installed plug-ins (such as flash, etc.)
--encoding <encoding> Set the default text encoding, for input
--extended-help Display more extensive help, detailing less common command switches
--forms Turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields
Here are just a few parameters of this online HTML to Image Cloud API, please check more options here. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.