For converting PCL to PDF and setting password to protect PDF under Window system will be quite easy, but when you need to do it under Mac system, it will be a little hard as there is not so much software in the Mac system market. In this article, I will introduce software which can help you convert PCL to PDF and set password for PDF under Mac system by command line.
It is VeryPDF PCL to Any Converter Shell, which supports various PCL formats including PCL XL, PCL5e, PCL5c, and HP-GL/2 (extensions: PCL, PRN, PXL, and PX3). Please check more information on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software to convert PCL to PDF.
Step 1. Download PCL to Any Converter Shell
- As this is command line version software, when downloading finishes, there will be a folder. Please open the folder then you can find the executable file and call it from MS Dos Windows. There are three executable file in extracted folder, please call the pcl2any in prompt Windows when you need to convert PCL to PDF.
- When downloading, please make sure download the Mac version as there is also one Linux version next to it.
Step 2. Convert PCL to PDF and set password to protect it.
- When use this software, please refer to the usage and examples. Please call pcl2any in Dos Windows and press enter on the keyboard then you can find all the parameters and examples.
- Here is the usage for your reference: pcl2any [options] <PCL-file> <Output-file>
- When converting PCL to PDF and set password, please refer to the following command line templates:
pcl2any -enc-opwd 123 C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can convert PCL to PDF and set open password as 123 in Mac system.
pcl2any -enc-opwd 123 -enc-upwd 456 C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can set user password and owner password for output PDF file.
pcl2any -enc-opwd 123 -enc-rc4v1 C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf
By this command line, we can use rc4v1 encryption to set owner password for output PDF file from PCL.
pcl2any -enc-opwd 123 -enc-print -enc-edit -enc-copy -enc-editnotes -enc-fillandsign C:\in.pcl C:\out.pdf
When you need to convert PCL to PDF and disable printing, editing and other limitations for output PDF file, please refer to the above command line template.
Now let us check related parameters:
-enc-rc4v1 : Use rc4v1 encryption
-enc-rc4v2 : Use rc4v2 encryption (Default value)
-enc-upwd <string> : An optional user password
-enc-opwd <string> : The required owner password, *Required
-enc-print : Allow printing the document
-enc-edit : Allow modifying the document besides annotations,
form fields or changing pages
-enc-copy : Allow text and graphic extraction
-enc-editnotes : Add or modify text annotations or form fields (if
ePdfPermissions_Edit is set also allow to create
interactive form fields including signature)
-enc-fillandsign : Fill in existing form or signature fields
-enc-accessible : Extract text and graphics to support user with
-enc-assemble : Assemble the document: insert, create, rotate
delete pages or add bookmarks
-enc-highprint : Print a high resolution version of the document
By this software, you can convert PCL to PDF and set password under Mac system easily. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.