When encounter some useful information on website, normally we will copy the content on website to word document and then save it for further processing. However, there will be some website which does not allow you to do copy and paste on it. Meanwhile even if we can copy content, copy them into text file there will be some message code. In order to solve this problem, maybe we can try to save website to tiff file, if there are many pages website, we can save website to multipage tiff file. If you are interested in this topic, please follow me to run the conversion.
I use software VeryPDF HTML Converter, by which we can also convert HTML pages to PDF, PS, JPG and other image formats.When output is PDF, you can set password, specify width & height and others. Please check more information on the homepage.
Step 1. Download HTML Converter
- There are two versions of this software: GUI version and command line version. Please download the proper version according to your needs. Here I will take the command line version for example.
- When downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then call executable file in MS Dos Windows.
Step 2. Save website to tiff by command line.
- When you use this software, please refer to the usage and examples.
- Here is the usage for your reference: htmltools [options] <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-RTF-file> [<PDF-PS-Image-file>]
- When converting website to tiff, please refer to the following command line templates.
- When save website to tiff file, you can also specify bit count, resolution in X and Y directions, margins from four directions and others. Now let us check related parameters:
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.tif
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" -multipagetif C:\out.tif
By the command line, you can save website as single page tiff file and multipage tiff file.
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.emf
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.jpg
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.gif
htmltools.exe "https://www.verypdf.com" C:\out.txt
By this software, you can also save website as other image like emf, jpg, gif and text. By this method, you do need to do the copy and paste to extract the useful information from online website to tiff file.
multipagetif : Create multipage TIFF format
-xres <int> : Set X resolution to image file
-yres <int> : Set Y resolution to image file
-bitcount <int> : Set color depth for image conversion
-rotate <int> : Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270
-margin <string> : Set page margin to PDF file
-margin 10 : Set margin to 10pt to left
-margin 10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top
-margin 10x10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right
-margin 10x10x10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right,bottom
-view : View PDF file after creation
HTML Converter is multifunction tool, I can not list all of its functions here. Please search more on our knowledge base. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.