VeryPDF does release a new version of PDFToolkit Command Line software today, the new version does allow you to combine License Key and other parameters together, this will allow you to register the PDFToolkit Command Line software from limited user account, e.g.,
pdftoolbox -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX sample_fillform.pdf -fillform sample_fillform.fdf -outfile _fillform_withnewdata_out.pdf
the complete parameters are listed at below,
VeryPDF PDFToolbox Command Line v2.1
Copyright (C) 2005-2013, Inc.
Usage: pdftoolbox <input files> [options] <-outfile output >
<input files>: a list of input PDF file names.
Each input file name can occur with a handle which is useful
when specify page ranges or encrypt PDF. Handles are capital
letters, e.g., A=in1.pdf, B=in2.pdf.
-outfile : specify an output file name.
==============PDF Operation Options=======================
-merge : merge multiple PDF files into one PDF file. You can use
handles and handle arguments to specify page ranges,
rotate pages, change order when merge PDF.
odd : the odd-numbered PDF pages, e.g., Aodd is to take odd
pages in file A.
even: the even-numbered PDF pages.
end : the last page of a file, e.g., A1-end is the same as A.
E : rotate 90 degrees, e.g., A4-9E is to rotate the pages 4-9
of file A by 90 degrees.
S : rotate 180 degrees.
W : rotate 270 degrees.
N : rotate 0 degree.
L : rotate counterclockwise.
R : rotate clockwise.
-crossmerge : the same as -merge except that -crossmerge takes one page
at a time from each input PDF file.
-split : split a multi-page PDF file into single-page PDF files.
When split PDF, you can add suffix like _%04d to the end
of the specified output file name so that numbers like
0001 can be added to the result file names.
-createfdf : input a single PDF and generate a FDF file suitable for
-fillform : fill form fields of a single input PDF file with the data
from an FDF/XFDF file. The form fields remain interactive
in the result PDF.
-flattenform : convert fillable PDF forms to static PDF file.
-underlay : apply the first page of the background PDF to the
background of the single input PDF.
-mulunderlay : apply each page of the background PDF to the background of
the corresponding page of the single input PDF.
-overlay : use the first page of the background PDF as a watermark
and put it over the input PDF.
-muloverlay : put each page of the background PDF over the corresponding
page of the input PDF.
-getinfo : extract statistics, metadata, bookmarks and page labels
from input PDF file to the given output file.
-getinfoutf8 : same as -getinfo except that the output is encoded as
-outformdata : extract field statistics from the input PDF to the given
output file.
-outformdatautf8 : same as -outformdata except that the output is encoded as
-setinfo : set metadata to PDF's Info dictionary.
-setinfoutf8 : set UTF-8 metadata to PDF's Info dictionary.
-attachfile : pack arbitrary files into a PDF using PDF's file
attachment features.
-detachfile : copy all the attachments from the input PDF into the
current folder or to an output directory given after
-pack : compress stream objects in a PDF file.
-unpack : uncompress stream objects in a PDF file.
-removexfa : remove /XFA tag from PDF file.
-showinfo : show information after processing.
-silent : do NOT show any information during processing.
-prompt : prompt information during processing.
-inputpassword : remove owner password when merge or decrypt PDF.
============= PDF Encryption Options==========================
-key40bit : set output PDF encryption strength as 40 bits.
-key128bit : set output PDF encryption strength as 128 bits.
-permit <permissions> : permissions are applied to the output PDF only if
encryption strength is specified or an owner or
user password is given.
printing : allow top quality printing.
lowprinting : allow lower quality printing.
modifycontents : allow modifying contents.
assembly : allow document assembly.
copying : allow copying.
screenreader : allow screenreader.
modifyannot : allow adding annotation.
filling : allow filling interactive PDF form.
allowall : allow all the above permissions and top quality
-ownerpassword : set owner password to output PDF file.
-userpassword : set user password to output PDF file.
-$ <regcode> : register with a registration code.
Collate scanned pages:
pdftoolbox A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf -crossmerge A B -outfile collated.pdf
or if odd.pdf is in reverse order:
pdftoolbox A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf -crossmerge A Bend-1 -outfile collated.pdf
Decrypt a PDF:
pdftoolbox secured.pdf -inputpassword foopass -outfile unsecured.pdf
Encrypt a PDF using 128-bit strength:
pdftoolbox 1.pdf -outfile 1.128.pdf -ownerpassword foopass
Set an owner password and an user password to a PDF file:
pdftoolbox 1.pdf -outfile out.pdf -ownerpassword opwd -userpassword upwd
Enable High Quality Printing when encrypt a PDF file:
pdftoolbox 1.pdf -outfile out.pdf -ownerpassword opwd -userpassword upwd
-permit printing
Merge PDF files into a new PDF:
pdftoolbox in1.pdf in2.pdf -merge -outfile out1.pdf
or (using handles):
pdftoolbox A=in1.pdf B=in2.pdf -merge A B -outfile out1.pdf
or (using wildcards):
pdftoolbox *.pdf -merge -outfile combined.pdf
Remove some page from an input PDF file. The example shows how to remove P13
from the input file:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -merge 1-12 14-end -outfile out1.pdf
pdftoolbox A=in1.pdf -merge A1-12 A14-end -outfile out1.pdf
Merge PDF files and add a password for the output file:
pdftoolbox 1.pdf 2.pdf -merge -outfile 3.pdf -key40bit -ownerpassword foopass
Merge PDF files. When one of them requires password, input it:
pdftoolbox A=secured.pdf 2.pdf -inputpassword A=foopass -merge -outfile 3.pdf
Unpack PDF page streams for editing PDF in a text editor:
pdftoolbox doc.pdf -outfile doc.unc.pdf -unpack
Repair PDF's corrupted XREF table and stream lengths:
pdftoolbox broken.pdf -outfile fixed.pdf
Split a multip-page PDF file into single-page PDF files:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -split
pdftoolbox in.pdf -split -outfile pg_4202794.pdf
pdftoolbox in.pdf -split -outfile out_%02d.pdf
pdftoolbox in.pdf -split -outfile out_%04d.pdf
Blast a multip-page PDF file into several encrypted single-page PDF files,
denying low-quality printing:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -split -ownerpassword foopass -permit lowprinting
Extract meta info from input PDF file to the given output file:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -getinfo -outfile report.txt
Rotate the first PDF page clockwise:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -merge 1R 2-end -outfile out.pdf
pdftoolbox in.pdf -merge 1E 2-end -outfile out.pdf
Rotate an entire PDF document to 180 degrees:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -merge 1-endS -outfile out.pdf
Add information from text file to output PDF file:
pdftoolbox in.pdf -setinfo in.txt -outfile out.pdf
Add background(s):
pdftoolbox in1.pdf -underlay in2.pdf -outfile out.pdf
pdftoolbox in1.pdf -mulunderlay in2.pdf -outfile out.pdf
Add watermark(s):
pdftoolbox in1.pdf -overlay in2.pdf -outfile out.pdf
pdftoolbox in1.pdf -muloverlay in2.pdf -outfile out.pdf