Hi Support…
I bought pdfstamp command line and I am having some issues with the graphics option. I need to stamp a vertical line at the edge of the page, just like I can do with the text. I can have the line horizontally stamped at the top, middle or bottom of the page but I cannot have it vertically stamped at the left or right edge of the page.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance,
You can use "-lineex" parameter to draw the lines on PDF pages easily, please refer to following command lines,
REM Format:
REM -al -rect "left,top,right,bottom,border_width,border_color"
REM -al -lineex 100,100,200,200 -LW10
REM -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line1.pdf -al -lineex 100,100,200,200 -LW10 -C#FF0000
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o stamp-line2.pdf -AL -LW30 -opacity30 -LINEEX 100,100,200,200 -C#00FF00