Can you detect secured PDF without opening it?

Question: It has been discovered that several users have been uploading secured (password protected) .PDF into our document collaboration/review system. When a user is reviewing documents, and comes upon one of these, we get unexpected results (crashes, lockups, etc). I have been asked to determine where and how many secure PDF  have been put into the file system (I don't even have a ballpark guess yet). Ideally, I'd generate a list of these offenders and we could remove them or save non-secure versions. The PDF are stored in a normal windows file system, with sub-folders for each individual upload session. Would there be any way to do this without opening hundreds of PDF? Some utility that could maybe "peek" for me? Any suggestions would be much appreciated on VeryPDF?

Answer: According to your needs, VeryPDF has software named VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line, by which you can detect secure PDF without opening it. And this is command line version software, simply input the command line in MS Dos Windows then you can find those secure PDF in the Dos Windows. Meanwhile this software is professional tool for printing, if you have print PDF needs, this software is perfect for you. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, let us check how to use this software.

Step 1. Free download PDFPrint Command Line

  • This is command line version software, when downloading finishes, there will be a zip file. You need to extract it to some folder then you can check related elements and help documents.
  • When you use this software, please refer to the usage and code template in readme.txt.

Step 2. Detect secure PDF without opening it.

  • Usage: pdfprint.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
  • When you need to detect secure PDF, please refer to the following parameter and code template.
    -ispasswordprotected   : by this parameter you can check if a PDF file protected by 'open password' or not.
  • pdfprint.exe -ispasswordprotected  C:\input.pdf
    pdfprint.exe -ispasswordprotected  C:\*.pdf
    By this command line, we can check the whole folder PDF file whether is password protected or not.

By this way, you can check whether PDF is protected or not without opening it. By this software, you can do lots of jobs, like set password to PDF, convert printable files to PDF or print files to PDF printer directly. When print PDF, this software also allows you to add watermark on output PDF file.  If you need to know more information, please check on homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.



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