Android, how to get PDF thumbnail images in application?

Question:I am using some application on Android to read PDF. I would like to take thumbnail images of all the pages in that PDF to my application. Any suggestion on this or any other API? Is there any solution on VeryPDF?

Answer: When you need to generate PDF thumbnail by cloud API, maybe you can try to convert PDF to image and then generate thumbnail from image files. Now VeryPDF does not have cloud based API which can help you generate PDF thumbnail  directly. You can use VeryPDF PDF to Image Converter Cloud API to convert PDF to image first and then generate PDF thumbnail by VeryPDF Image Format Converter Cloud API. Please check more information of those software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use those cloud based API.

Converting PDF to image by cloud based API.

  • First convert PDF to image. When converting PDF to image, you may need software VeryPDF PDF to Image Converter Cloud API. When use cloud based applications on VeryPDF, you do not need to do anything, simply open browser then the conversion could be done perfectly.
  • Here is the URL example for converting PDF to image, please have a check.
    By the above URL, we can convert PDF to image of jpg and specify image resolution as 36. There are other parameters available, please have a check.
  • -forcebwtif                   : force to create black and white TIFF files
    -threshold <int>              : lightness threshold that used to convert image to B&W
    -forcexdpi <int>              : force to set X DPI to image file
    -forceydpi <int>              : force to set Y DPI to image file
    -trimimage                    : trim output image files, remove margins from output image files
    -rotate <int>                 : rotate output image file at special angle

Generating PDF thumbnail from image.

  • When generating PDF thumbnail from those produced image files, please refer to the following URL.
  • Create a thumbnail image 300x300 pixel from a big PNG image,
    By the above URL, we can generate PDF thumbnail  by png image formats and the size as 300x300. Of course, you can generate PDF thumbnail  of other image formats and other size according to your needs. Please refer to the following user manual operation.

There is one limitation of those cloud based solution now, it can not do batch conversion. You need to do the conversion and generation one by one. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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