Question:I'm currently using application and I'm wondering if there is a way to delete a page from a PDF file and then insert new blank page for further editing? I have opened it up with a reader etc, and I want to remove a page before it is then saved back to a new file, is this possible? Is there any solution on VeryPDF?
Answer: When you need to remove pages from PDF and then insert new blank page to PDF by one software, maybe you can have a free trial of this software VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools, by which you can remove pages from PDF and then insert blank pages to PDF easily. There are two versions of this software, GUI version and command line version. Here I will take the command line version for example. Meanwhile by this software, you can also recompress images of PDF or remove metadata contents for optimizing PDF. It is independent of any PDF editing software. Please check more information of this software on homepage. In the following part, I will show you how to use this software.
Step 1. Free download Advanced PDF Tools Command Line
- If you do not have too much knowledge of command line operation, please choose the GUI version.
- And if you need to use this software for further developing, please choose the SDK version.
- When downloading finishes, you will get a zip file. Please extract it to some folder then you can use it normally.
Step 2. Remove pages from PDF and insert new page to PDF.
- Here is the usage of command line here, please refer to usage and parameters to run the conversion:
[options] { [-i ] "input-file" } "output-file" - When you need to remove pages and insert new blank page, please refer to the following command line template and parameters:
-i "PDF file name" : A PDF filename or a directory for input.
-o "PDF file name": PDF filename for output.
-& : Remove pages from PDF file
-* : Insert pages to PDF file
Remove pages from PDF file
Parameter:–& for example pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" "-&" "1,2-4,9"
Insert pages to PDF file
Parameter:-* for example pdftools -i "C:\input.pdf" -o "C:\output.pdf" "-*" "2|0|d:\pdf1.pdf/1,2-4,9|d:\pdf2.pdf/1,3"
Please insert pages specified by page range (/1,2-4,9) of d:\pdf1.pdf and d:\pdf2.pdf into C:\input.pdf before second page. 2 means source file's page number, 0 means before and 1 after.
By this software and the above parameters, we can remove pages from PDF and then insert new blank pages to PDF. There are more functions of this software, please check them on homepage. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.