Run docPrint Pro doc2pdf.exe from a Service Account to convert office files to PDF files

Dear VeryPDF,

I've been working with a small number of your Demo products and I'm
pleased that things have been going well.

However recently, end-to-end testing has highlighted that I am unable to
use the Demo software to convert DOCs to PDF from the command line.

It appears that "DocPrint-SDK" and/or DocPrint-Pro requires user
intervention - presenting a dialog box - "Buy or Trial" - which when
run as a service account, doesn't actually appear (as there's no desktop
to display it) - so my process "pauses" indefinitely (as it waits for
user intervention).

Could you please advise if this "by design" and how I can complete my
end-to-end testing - or would I need to commit to purchasing the full
version to do this?

For reference I am calling a BAT script which:
Copies the necessary files into a common directory.
Uses a combination of DocPrint-Pro and DocPrint-SDK to convert
any non-PDF files into PDF.
Via some other third part software, merge these PDFs together
(in a certain order).
Then PDFPrint_CMD to send this final PDF to a physical printer.

(Of course if there is a better solution - please advise.)

Thanks for your message, yes, you are right, the trial version of docPrint SDK does popup a "Buy or Trial" message box, this message box will hang when you run doc2pdf.exe inside an administrator user account.

However, the purchased version hasn't this "Buy or Trial" message box. We suggest you may run doc2pdf.exe inside an interactive user account instead of default system user account, then you can convert office documents to PDF files on the fly.

Please refer to following web pages, we hoping these web pages will useful to you,

See example #6 and #7 at following web page,

You can also set MS Word DCOM run inside an interactive user account instead of default system user account. Because MS Word DCOM has some problems in non-interactive user account. Please look at following web page for more information,

Example #12 (IIS 7 cannot access 32-bit COM dll through COM+ service),

Under "Console Root / Component Services / Computers / My computer / DCOM Config" option, ("Your COM Name" is equal to "Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document" in your system). Please give enough permission to "Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document" DCOM in your system, then you can run "Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document" DCOM from an interactive user account to solve the permission restrictions in default system account.

After you give enough permission to MS Word DCOM, you can call doc2pdf.exe from your C#, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, VB.NET, etc. program language to convert DOC, DOCX files to PDF files easily.


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