Good morning,
I'm in the final stages of evaluating VeryPDF (HTMLTOOLS) to ensure it can accomplish what we're trying to do.
I have a meeting (demo) this afternoon to showcase the product and get approval to use this as the solution.
We have a lot of htm documents that I need to convert to PDF. I've managed to successfully (using your site) figure out how to write a batch file which loops through the directory and converts. The issue I have now is sizing the PDF appropriately.
I would like the PDF to be sized to 8.5" x 11x (letter) with proper page breaks.
My current command line is:
for /R \\mofs013\htmlpdf\DISK\sample %%F in (*.htm) do "E:\Data\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -append 0 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"
I've also tried:
for /R \\mofs013\htmlpdf\DISK\sample %%F in (*.htm) do "E:\Data\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -append 0 -width 612 -height 792 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"
but it doesn't seem to be the right size.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Please use following command lines to try again,
for /R \\mofs013\htmlpdf\DISK\sample %%F in (*.htm) do "E:\Data\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -append 0 -emfheight 792 -width 612 -height 792 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"
for /R \\mofs013\htmlpdf\DISK\sample %%F in (*.htm) do "E:\Data\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -webkit -append 0 -width 612 -height 792 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"
for /R \\mofs013\htmlpdf\DISK\sample %%F in (*.htm) do "E:\Data\htmltools\htmltools.exe" -html2pdf2 -append 0 -width 612 -height 792 "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"
We hoping above command lines will useful to you, please to try.