I have recently purchased PDF advance tools, it is very good. And I am also looking for bath printing my PDF files, which application you suggest from your product line up.
Thanks for leaving a message for us.
For batch printing, maybe you can have a free trial of this software:
VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line,
During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.
could you please how to use this command to to finish the 11 x 17 in the booklet finisher like fold and staple ( not booklet maker) just print 11x17 duplex and fold and staple.
You can run following command line to print your PDF file at 11x17 paper size,
pdfprint.exe -paper "11x17in" D:\test.pdf
can you work fine with above command line?
It worked, but what I want is duplex print, flip by short edge and fold and staple in the middle. How to do this?
You may add -duplex option to try again,
pdfprint.exe -duplex 2 -paper "11x17in" D:\test.pdf
We hoping -duplex option will work fine to you.
Thank you it helped but I am little closer to achieve final thing.
What command should I give for fold and staple.
pdfprint.exe doesn't support fold and staple options naturally, however, if you wish control these options from command line, you may use -loaddevmode and -savedevmode parameters.
We suggest you may by following steps to try again,
1. Please run following command line to prompt the user Printer Dialog and save the printer settings to a disk file,
pdfprint.exe -savedevmode D:\printer.dat -printer "Your Printer Name"
2. In the Printer Dialog, you can set following options, such as,
set Duplex option to "Top-Top" or others;
set default paper tray to "Tray 3" or others;
set the paper size to "11x17" or others;
set staple to "on" or others;
set fold options;
set staple options;
set other options that you want;
click "OK" to close Printer Dialog, you will get a D:\printer.dat file,
3. Please run following command line to load the devmode from disk file and set it to printer,
pdfprint.exe -loaddevmode D:\printer.dat -printer "Your Printer Name" D:\input.pdf
4. OK, you will able to print your PDF file with correct options.
We hoping above solution will helpful to you, please to try.
Awesome, It finally worked, If there are 10 stars, I will give stars,
This product makes me very productive and makes me to concentrate to do
many things. Go pdf.
I have one final question,
1. The print is printing very small like compressed and centered on 11 x 17
paper instead of actual pdf file that I see in adobe reader, How to make it
to print the actual size.
2. Where to give the number of copies option.
3. I am looking for PDF creator software, I would like to write a
mathematical equation in PDF and give it to students, Which software you
I am going to buy pdf batch as soon as I get the settings from you.
Great job, Great Team, Great Work, Great Service.
>>1. The print is printing very small like compressed and centered on 11 x 17
paper instead of actual pdf file that I see in adobe reader, How to make it
to print the actual size.
You can try with "-paper pdf" or "-scalex 0 -scaley 0" options, for example,
pdfprint.exe -paper pdf D:\test.pdf
pdfprint.exe -scalex 0 -scaley 0 D:\test.pdf
>>2. Where to give the number of copies option.
Use following two options,
-copies <int> : set number of copies to print
-setcopyto : set '-copies' value to printer instead of print it several times
pdfprint.exe -scalex 0 -scaley 0 -copies 3 -setcopyto D:\test.pdf
>>3. I am looking for PDF creator software, I would like to write a
mathematical equation in PDF and give it to students, Which software you
Our Document Converter (docPrint Pro v6.0) is good for PDF Creation,
after you write a document in MS Word, and print it to docPrint PDF Driver or docPrint Printer, you can then save to a PDF file easily, just a few clicks.