When processing PDF file, we also meet some ones which can not be opened, viewed normally. Sometimes a PDF file becomes damaged or contains corrupt data then it can not be opened. If you downloaded the PDF from the Web or received it in an email, download the PDF again or ask the sender to resend it sometimes this matter could be solved or sometime can not be solved. When encountering this kind of problem, maybe you can try to use VeryPDF cloud based application VeryPDF PDF Repair Cloud API to repair PDF.
PDF documents can easily get damaged or corrupted, just as any other type of files. The problem is that PDF documents can contain very important, irreplaceable data. Happily, the tools I mentioned above can repair PDF document and recover their content then it can create new PDF files from the data recovered from the corrupted PDF. The repairing process could happen at any computer system. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how repair PDF by this cloud based application.
Get an API code
- Please register an account on VeryPDF API registration page, which is totally free. When you choose purchasing method, please pay for it on Try and Buy website then the API code will be sent to your email box. API code only charges less than 20$ and then you can use more than 200+ parameters.
- By the API code, you can do PDF Encryption, PDF Form Filling, PDF to XML conversion, HTML to PDF and Image conversion, Image format conversion, more and more...
Repair PDF by cloud based application.
- When repair PDF by cloud based application, please refer to the following URL. Please do not be surprised about why there is not software download link provided as by API you do not need to download anything.
- Simply open browser and then input the below URL:
By the above URL, we can repair damaged PDF. Simply the URL can help you make it. All you need to do is that upload local PDF file to online one or else this process can not be done. For changing local PDF to online PDF, please use this free tool ShareFile. - The parameter used in above URL is -repair which professionally for fixing the damaged PDF file easily.
When you need to repair PDF in batch, please use desktop version PDF Tool Box Command Line, which is Windows version. By the API, you can fix PDF at any computer system. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.