How to link PDF file for my website?

Question: Ok. For my website I have to put a link for my PDF files and Microsoft documents. First of all, I can I convert Microsoft docs. to PDF? Also, how can I put a link onto the web page to the PDF files? Is there a solution on VeryPDF? If there is, could you please explain it easy enough for me to understand. Thanks so much : ).

Answer: When you need to link PDF to website, you can try to change local PDF file to online PDF file then you can link PDF to website like linking an URL to website. Then this matter is quite easy to handled. After changing local PDF to online PDF, there will be a URL produced, simply insert a hyperlink to some text then you can link it to website with proper text direction. For changing local PDF to online PDF, VeryPDF ShareFile can help you make it quite easily. This ShareFile is free online tool, by this API, you can change local documents like MS Office, image file and other common files to online one. Please check more information of this software on homepage, in the following part, I will show you how to use this software.

Step 1. Open website of VeryPDF ShareFile.

  • The following snapshot is from this website, please have a check.

ShareFile website

  • This software allows you to upload all kinds of documents to website. Please click button Add Files then you can browse input folder to add local files.
  • When adding finishes, they will be listed on website with information like file size, file type and others.
  • There are many sub options below it, like View, Share Online, Edit Online, Annotate Online and others.
  • By those functions, you can view upload file directly here within browser, share those files with your friends, annotate uploaded file and fill forms if you need.

Step 2. Copy URL of uploaded file and link PDF to website.

  • Please right click the uploaded file and then you will see dropdown list where allows you to copy link of uploaded file. Please check details from the following snapshot.

copy link location
Here is an URL of the uploaded file.
By this URL link, you can link PDF to website easily.

  • Please note there is still a limitation that Files you upload are kept in 7 days max, if you wish keep these files forever, you can use VeryPDF Cloud API Platform.
  • Seven days later, the uploaded PDF file will be deleted then the URL will break. In order to keep it alive in a longer time, please buy an API code for it.

By this software and this method, you can link PDF to website or link other document files to website easily. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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