I am orienting myself on buying command line encryptpdf.
I have downloaded the demo version and have a question if it is possible to use wildmarks for the file names? And if so, how to us it.
I have played with the encrypt.bat file but when I try to:
..\encryptpdf.exe -i *William_van_Beuningen.pdf -o WVB_encrypted.pdf -u owner -e 40 -l error.log
I get an the following in the logfile: "Can't open input file *William_van_Beuningen.pdf".
Your help on this would be appreciated, as this would be crucial for me.
If this works I will buy your product.
Kind regards,
You can run following command line to batch encrypt PDF files in D:\temp folder easily,
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do ..\encryptpdf.exe -i "%F" -o "%~nF_encrypted.pdf" -u owner -e 40 -l error.log
The following command line will encrypt all PDF files in D:\temp folder and subdirectories folders,
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do ..\encryptpdf.exe -i "%F" -o "%~dpnF_encrypted.pdf" -u owner -e 40 -l error.log
Thank you for the quick update in the weekend. This actually did work for me (although in the batch file I had to use %% instead of %).
After your update I now have purchased the license.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your kindly information.