Excuse me, I have a question about pdf stamp command line
Product's name:pdf stamp command line
Product's version number:v2.5
My Command line is:
pdfstamp.exe -PDF "D:\test.pdf" -o "D:\outputTest.pdf" -AT "ド"-1403005" -FT "Arial" -P9 -R45 -FS80 -C#FF0000 -opacity50 -H
There are Chinese word in text stamp, but output's file can't show Chinese's word.
You can run following command lines to stamp PDF files with Chinese characters,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-1.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "SimSun" -unicode
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-2.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "SimHei" -unicode
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-3.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "MingLiU" -unicode
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-4.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "PMingLiU" -unicode
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-5.pdf -at "\x4E2D\x6587\x6D4B\x8BD5" -FT "Arial Unicode MS" -unicode
Please refer to following web page for more information,
Excuse me,
I try to modify my command line.
There are no stamp in my pdf file.
Then I change my command line. It's should show Chinese word, "中", in pdf file.but show "N-".
The Unicode of "中" is 4E2D, so you can use following command line to display "中" on PDF pages,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o Chinese-test-2.pdf -at "\x4E2D" -FT "SimHei" -unicode
Please look at following screenshot,
btw, "-unicode" option is included in the latest version of PDFStamp Command Line application, you can download the latest version of PDFStamp Command Line from following web page,
PDFStamp Command Line v2.5 is not support "-unicode" option, you need use PDFStamp Command Line v3.0 application.
Please run following command line to use Thai Characters in the watermark,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf example.pdf -o _test-unicode-thai-language.pdf -AT “\x0E2A\x0E27\x0E31\x0E2A\x0E14\x0E35” -MC -P9 -MLR30 -MTB200 -R0 -C#EE0000 -opacity30 -FS64 -FT “Arial Unicode MS” -unicode
we are using VeryPDF PDF Stamp Command Line in our system.
How can we make the Text stamp appear in Bold with Arial?
e.g. -FT “Arial” and Bold
You can run following command line to stamp text to your PDF pages with bold text,
pdfstamp.exe -pdf E:\pdfstamp\test.pdf -o E:\pdfstamp\bold_out.pdf -at VeryPDF -FN201