Hello veryPDF support,
I have the demo version of pdfprint cmd line and i am trying the watermark.ini option.
I noticed that it did not work. Apart from buying the license is there something i can do?
I need to print multiple watermark on the first page of PDF files.
I tried to have 2 watermark like this :
C:\Downloads\pdfprint_cmd\pdfprint_cmd>pdfprint.exe -printer \\Wp4\x64
-wtext "*Test123456*" -wtype 1 -wf "Free 3 of 9 Extended" -wo 100 -wx 100 -wy 100 -wh 100 -ww 100
-wtext "Test123456" -wtype 1 -wf "Calibri" -wo 100 -wx 500 -wy100 -wh 100 -ww 100
I got this message from the command but nothing printed.
You have 87 times to evaluate 'VeryPDF PDFPrint Command Line' product, you may purchase a full version from 'https://www.verypdf.com/app/pdf-print-cmd/index.html' to remove restrictions.
Please let me know what i need to do.
Thank you and have a good day.
One single command line is support one -wtext option only, if you wish use multiple -wtext options, you need use watermark.ini option, you can pass the watermark.ini option to pdfprint.exe by -watermarkfile parameter, please look at following web pages for more information,