We are trying to use Very PDF tool to find whether a batch of PDF files are secured or not.
We need some help to find how can we have verypdf run on a batch of pdf files and give us output of which files are secured.
Thanks for your message, VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Command Line software has this function, you may download and purchase it from following web page,
after you download and unzip it to a folder, e.g., unzip it to "E:\pdftools" folder, you can run following command line to retrieve security settings from all of PDF files in D:\temp folder,
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do E:\pdftools\pdftools.exe -r -i "%F" | findstr /C:"PDF Security"
you will get following message,
PDF Security : 0
PDF Security : 1
You can read this string from yourself's script or application to check if a PDF file be encrypted or not, if you encounter any problem with this software, please feel free to let us know.