How to OCR a PDF file using Command Line software?

We are in the final stage of purchasing your product and have the below 4 items as questions. I would recommend the management to place a purchase order as soon you clarify.

1. We observed the OCR process speed to be little slower on the test version. Does this improve in Full Version?
2. Is there a restriction on the number of pages in a full version? For eg. 100-200 pages
3. Is there a log file with the page number and document name to know when OCR fails on a page that has engineering drawings or inverted text.
4. Can we run a single command to OCR and create the text file at the same time?
For e.g., We want to execute one command line and achieve below features.

ocr2any.exe -ocr -lang eng -ocrmode 0 F:\in.pdf F:\out.txt
ocr2any.exe -ocr -lang deu -ocrmode 1 F:\in.pdf F:\out.pdf

Thank you in advance for the support.



VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line Home Page,

>>1. We observed the OCR process speed to be little slower on the test version.
>>Does this improve in Full Version?

The trial version and full version have same speed.

We suggest you may use -ocr2 option to instead of -ocr option, -ocr2 option is work faster and work better than -ocr option.

>>2. Is there a restriction on the number of pages in a full version? For e.g., 100-200 pages

No, the full version hasn't maximum number of pages limited, it is just limited to your Windows System's resource.

>>3. Is there a log file with the page number and document name to know when OCR fails on a page that has engineering drawings or inverted text.

ocr2any.exe does print the log message to console, you can redirect log message to a disk file, then you can check the log message at later.

>>4. Can we run a single command to OCR and create the text file at the same time?
>>For e.g., We want to execute one command line and achieve below features.
>>ocr2any.exe -ocr -lang eng -ocrmode 0 F:\in.pdf F:\out.txt
>>ocr2any.exe -ocr -lang deu -ocrmode 1 F:\in.pdf F:\out.pdf

Yes, ocr2any.exe does support concurrent conversion, you can run multiple instances of ocr2any.exe application to OCR multiple files at same time.


imageYou can use VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line to convert scanned TIFF, JPG, PNG, PDF etc. formats to searchable PDF files,

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