Do you have a version that works for 1.7 format PDF files? I tried your demo using the following command line and it creates an empty file.
pdftoolbox test1.pdf -outformdata -outfile test.txt
I am trying to extract data from a PDF form. For reference I have attached an example, pleas let me know if you need any more information.
(See attached file: test1.pdf)
Your PDF file is contain dynamic XFA XML Form layer, you need convert this PDF file to static PDF file first, then you can extract data from it.
Thanks for the update.
I tried the following command line, but it failed with no error message.
pdftoolbox.exe test1.pdf -flattenform -outfile test1FLAT.pdf
Can you please provide me with the correct syntax for converting a file to Static PDF?
You need open this PDF file in "Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2", save as to a new PDF file with "Adobe Static PDF Forms (*.pdf)" option, then you will get a new PDF file with static forms. Here are the setting to use when saving LiveCycle Forms to in order to merge XDP data with LiveCycle forms,
after you get the new PDF file, you can run following command line to extract form data from the new PDF file,
pdftoolbox test1.pdf -outformdata -outfile test.txt