Hi there,
We are looking for a solution for printing pdfs via command line from our filemaker-solution.
We tested your pdfprint.exe. everything works great, but?
We have manuals we need to pack into the cartons when producing the items.
Now in the production there comes 55 box packed with the manual.
The worker selects the order in the system and says print (the manuals are different each product to every customer?.)
Our command line is:
pdfprint.exe -printer "r3s_002" -duplex 3 -copies 55 "F:\pdfprint_cmd\14_65.pdf"
In this case it is a two-sided pdf, so we have to have 55 sheets of paper double sided printed.
And it is done, BUT with 55 single print jobs which are created in the queue.
The PDF itself printed ha a size of 2400 KB. So every single print job has to be created first (imagine to have 1000 copies?..), to be send to the printer, is to calculate and so on.
It takes mass of time.
When printing from acrobat reader the same job with 55 copies, only one print job is created.
Quickly done, only one transfer to the printer?..
Is it possible with your tool also?
Thanks for your message, you can use "-setcopyto" option to create a print job with multiple copies,
-copies <int> : set number of copies to print
-setcopyto : set '-copies' value to printer instead of print it several times
for example,
pdfprint.exe -printer "r3s_002" -duplex 3 -copies 55 -setcopyto "F:\pdfprint_cmd\14_65.pdf"