How to convert any file to PDF using PHP script?


1. We would like a feature on our website where we would like to upload and convert any file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .png etc.) into PDF using PHP script.

2. We would also like to annotate uploaded pdf file like adding comments in PDF file, striking out some text in PDF file, highlight some text in PDF file etc.

So does VeryPDF have tools available which meets above criterias?

Please get back to me as early as you can with pricing detail.


>>1. We would like a feature on our website where we would like to upload and convert any file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .png etc.) into PDF using PHP script.

Yes, we have this product, please refer to following web pages,

1. DOC to Any Converter Command Line or DOC to Any Converter SDK/COM Version, you can call DOC to Any Converter Command Line or SDK/COM from PHP code to convert any file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .png etc.) into PDF file format,

Please look at following web pages for more examples,

2. You can also use our VeryPDF Cloud API Platform, VeryPDF Cloud API Platform has more functions which can convert any file (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .png etc.) into PDF file format,

Please refer to more information about "Office Document to Any Format Converter API" from following web page,

>>2. We would also like to annotate uploaded pdf file like adding comments in PDF file, striking out some text in PDF file, highlight some text in PDF file etc.
>>So does VeryPDF have tools available which meets above criterias?

You can use "Online Document Annotator" to annotate your PDF files,

If you wish annotate PDF file in client's local system, you can also try with our PDF Editor OCX Control (ActiveX) product,

If you encounter any problem with above products, please feel free to let us know.


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