How to convert text file to PDF file with 48 text lines per PDF page?

Dear madam, sir,

When converting a txt file that contains pages of 48 lines (I counted them in the bewbon.txt file (no top or bottom margins!)) the resulting pdf pages are not always correct!

FYI The txt file contains 3 different reports: the GELEIDEBON(1 page), the BEWERKINGSSTAAT (3 pages) and a dummy report I created to count the lines. The pages 2 and 3 of the second report seem to be moved 1 line up. Since I can find no problem in the data (the bewbon.txt is OK) possibly the problem comes from the txt2pdf converter.

I definitely need the page positions to be absolutely stable. In reallife the inputfile will contain about 8 different reports (all with a pagesize of 48) and each report will contain a varying number of pages. Could you please solve this problem or explain what causes this?

Attached you'll find the input and outputfile and below you'll find the relevant part of the cmd file I used to convert the bewbon.txt to bewbon.pdf:

set FIL=bewbon
cd %DOCS888%
set MOPT=-pfs10 -pln -plm10 -prm1 -ptm0 -pbm0 -lpp48 -pfn200 -pps7 -pot
%MDIR%\tools\txt2pdf.exe %FIL%.txt %FIL%.pdf %MOPT% >>%LOGF%

echo %DATUM% %TIJD%: %FIL% converted >>%LOGF%

Kind regards & I hope to hear from you soon.

Please look at following converted PDF file, this PDF file was created by our text2pdf software, we hoping this PDF file will okay to you,


This PDF file was created by following options,


Please notice, you need increase the PDF paper height to allow one PDF page able to contain one page text contents.


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