VeryPDF PDF Compressor for Mac How Page,
I tried using VeryPDF PDF Compressor for Mac under 10.10 beta update 1, Java 7 Update 51 and it gets a quick "Failed" on every PDF tested.
Compatibility with Mac Yosemite
Dear Sir of Madam,
I am writing because I am experiencing trouble with the Very PDF PDF Compressor 2.0 with Mac Yosemite. Unfortunately all actions fail. Can I expect a bug fix of that issue soon?
Best Regards
A couple of days ago I installed OS X Yosemite 10.10 on my Mac.
Since then pdf compressor fails - any ideas please?
By the way, love your produce - or at least used to - please help!!!
The pdf compressor that is not working is the "Very pdf pdf Compressor” not “The Best PDF Compressor for Mac”.
The second of these I have downloaded a trial version this morning and this works but it does not recognize my key code from the Verypdf pdf Compressor so I cannot upgrade without buying it again.
Hope this helps.
Good Morning,
I have got a query about one of your products. I have been using the PDF Compressor software on my Mac for a while but when I updated my OS to the latest one - OSX Yosemite - the software just stopped working. It is very important to me to be able to convert PDF files to PDF/A format for submitting planning applications to various institutions.
Could you please let me know what time will it be updated to run smoothly on the new Mac operation system, or advise any other option?
Many thanks.
pdf compressor software issues with Yosemite
I recently upgraded to Yosemite operating system and now my pdf compressor software does not work. Please help.
Hi Support Team,
I have purchased and used VeryPDF PDF Compressor in Mac. Recently, it always shows the result as ‘failed’. I think probably it is because I have upgraded the iOS to Yosemite.
Could you please help me solve this problem?
Thank you,
Since I have installed Mac Yosemite my Very PDF compressor failed all compression attempts.
PLS let me know.
PDF Compressor 2.0 for Mac doesn't work any more now that I've upgraded from OS 10.7 to OS 10.10 (Yosemite). Do you have a newer version that works with 10.10?
I’m a registered user of PDF Compressor 2.0 for Mac. Here are some things I’d like to see updated in the next version:
1. An ABOUT PDF COMPRESSOR should be added under the VERY PDF PDF COMPRESSOR title on the menu bar along with the current items SERVICES, HIDE PDF COMPRESSOR, etc. with the Version Number and Support contact info. I realize that there is an ABOUT icon on the main window, but the Mac Standard is to have that under the program title in the menu bar.
2. In the main window, the center green button says "Romove" - should say "Remove"
3. When I start the program, the output folder field is always blank. A user setting for a default folder would be handy. Or remembering the last used folder would work.
4. Version 2 will no longer work for me since I upgraded to OS 10.10 Yosemite. Any file I try to compress gives a result of FAILED.
When I upgraded my Mac from 10.7 to 10.10, PDF compressor will no longer compress files.
No matter which files I try, the outcome is always FAILED.
Will you be upgrading the program to run under Yosemite OS 10.10 in the near future?
I used to have pdf compressor on a mac and I recently upgraded to Yosemite.
I reinstalled the software and now it always says "failed" when I try to compress.
I really need to get it working again, can you help me out?
To whom it may concern.
I recently upgraded my iMAc's operating system from Snow Leopard to Yosemite.
Reinstalled the Very PDF PDF Compressor, but when I convert a pdf file the result shows "Failed".
Please help.
* Does Yosemite include X11?
A. No. X11 on Yosemite now uses install on demand. When you first launch an app that requires X11 libraries, you are directed to a download location for the most up-to-date version of X11 for Mac. e.g. XQuartz from
Thanks for your message, we have figured out a solution to run VeryPDF PDF Compressor for Mac on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite system.
For the Mavericks, Yosemite and later Mac systems, you need install XQuartz from in order to get PDF Compressor for Mac to work.
After you downloaded and installed XQuartz 2.7.7, you can use VeryPDF PDF Compressor for Mac to compress PDF files without any problem.