The new version of PDF to Image Converter Command Line can be downloaded from following web page,
VeryPDF PDF to Image Converter Command Line Version 3.10
Convert PDF files to Image files, include TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EMF, PCX, TGA. etc.
Copyright 1996-2016 Inc.
Build Date: Nov 19 2015
Support raster image formats:
1. BMP: Microsoft Windows bitmap
2. GIF: CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
3. JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
4. PNG: Portable Network Graphics
5. TGA: Truevision Targa image
6. PCX: ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file
7. PNM: Portable anymap
8. RAS: SUN Raster Format
9. PBM: Portable bitmap format (black and white)
10. TIF: Tagged Image File Format
Usage: pdf2img.exe [options] <PDF-file> <img-file>
-f <int> : first page to print
-l <int> : last page to print
-r <int> : resolution for both X and Y, in DPI (default is 150)
-xres <int> : xresolution, in DPI (default is 150)
-yres <int> : yresolution, in DPI (default is 150)
-w <int> : set image width, unit is pixel
-width <int> : set image width, unit is pixel, same as -w
-h <int> : set image height, unit is pixel
-height <int> : set image height, unit is pixel, same as -h
-mono : generate a monochrome image file
-gray : generate a grayscale image file
-errordiffusion <int> : enable or disable Error Diffusion when reduce the number of bits per pixel
-dither <int> : convert the color image to B&W using the desired method:
-dither 0: Floyd-Steinberg
-dither 1: Ordered-Dithering (4x4), Floyd & Steinberg error diffusion
-dither 2: Burkes, BAYER4x4, Bayer dot dithering (order 2 dithering matrix)
-dither 3: Stucki, BAYER8x8, Bayer dot dithering (order 3 dithering matrix)
-dither 4: Jarvis-Judice-Ninke, CLUSTER6x6, Clustered dot dithering (order 3 - 6x6 matrix)
-dither 5: Sierra, CLUSTER8x8, Clustered dot dithering (order 4 - 8x8 matrix)
-dither 6: Stevenson-Arce, CLUSTER16x16, Clustered dot dithering (order 8 - 16x16 matrix)
-dither 7: BAYER16x16, Bayer dot dithering (order 4 dithering matrix)
-dithermode <string> : set the mode of Dithering Arithmetic, default is 8888 for FineDithering
-color24to8 : generate a grayscale image file
-compress <int> : set compression to TIFF format:
-compress 1 : NONE compression
-compress 2 : CCITT modified Huffman RLE
-compress 3 : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (1d)
-compress 4 : CCITT Group 4 fax encoding
-compress 5 : LZW compression
-compress 6 : OJPEG compression
-compress 7 : JPEG DCT compression
-compress 32773 : PACKBITS compression
-compress 32809 : THUNDERSCAN compression
-compress 32946 : DEFLATE compression
-compress 88880 : 204x98, G4, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88881 : 204x196,G4, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88882 : 204x98, G3, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88883 : 204x196,G3, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88884 : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (2d)
-compress 88888886 : 204x98, G3, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888887 : 204x196,G3, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888888 : 204x98, G4, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888889 : 204x196,G4, Width=1728, Height=auto, ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888890 : 204x98 2048x1401 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888891 : 204x196 2048x2802 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888892 : 204x98 1620x1146 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888893 : 204x98 1728x1143 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888894 : 204x196 1728x2286 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888895 : 204x98 1728x1074 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888896 : 204x98 2200x1700 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888897 : 204x98 1728x2200 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888898 : 204x196 1728x2200 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888899 : 204x196 1728x1100 G4 ClassF TIFF
-compress 88888900 : 204x98 1728x1100 G4 ClassF TIFF
-quality <int> : set quality to JPEG format, from 0 to 100
-multipage : create multipage TIFF file
-aa <string> : enable font anti-aliasing: yes/no, default is 'yes'
-aavec <string> : enable vector anti-aliasing: yes/no, default is 'yes'
-aaVector <string> : enable vector anti-aliasing: yes/no, same as -aavec
-aaimg <string> : enable image anti-aliasing: yes/no, default is 'yes'
-opw <string> : owner password (for encrypted files)
-upw <string> : user password (for encrypted files)
-trimimage : trim image file
-forcebwtif : force to create black and white TIFF files
-listfiles : list converted files to screen
-threshold <int> : the lightness threshold that used to convert image to B&W
-forcexdpi <int> : force to set X DPI to image file
-forceydpi <int> : force to set Y DPI to image file
-checkhiddentext : extract images that do not have underlying text
-rotate <int> : rotate output image file at special angle
-render2 : render PDF page to image files by second method
-tempname <string> : set filename template for output image files
-tempname1 : apply filename template for single image file
-suffix : set first filename to img0001.jpg format
-debug : output debug information
-$ <string> : input your license key
-h : print usage information
-help : print usage information
--help : print usage information
-? : print usage information
pdf2img.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.gif
pdf2img.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
pdf2img.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
pdf2img.exe -f 1 -l 10 -r 300 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 88881 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 88881 -mono -multipage C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -trimimage C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
pdf2img.exe -opw 123 -upw 456 -aa no C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdf2img.exe "%F" "%~dpnF.png"
for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do pdf2img.exe "%F" "%~dpnF.png"
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdf2img.exe "%F" "%~F.png"
pdf2img.exe -dither 1 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -dither 0 -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -xres 300 -yres 300 D:\in.pdf D:\out.png
pdf2img.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 -mono D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -width 1024 -height 768 D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -gray D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 4 -mono D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 5 -mono D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -compress 32773 D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -quality D:\in.pdf D:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe -multipage D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -aa yes -aavec yes D:\in.pdf D:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe -forcebwtif D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -threshold 240 -forcexdpi 204 -forceydpi 98 D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -threshold 240 D:\in.pdf D:\out.png
pdf2img.exe -tempname out_%04d -tempname1 D:\in.pdf D:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -rotate 90 D:\in.pdf D:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe -checkhiddentext -mono C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -w 1728 -h 2286 -multipage -gray -compress 88888894 -dithermode smooth-fine C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -w 1728 -h 1143 -multipage -gray -compress 88888893 -dithermode smooth-fine C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -w 1728 -h 2286 -multipage -gray -compress 88888894 -dithermode smooth-normal C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -w 1728 -h 2286 -multipage -gray -compress 88888894 -dithermode rough-fine C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif
pdf2img.exe -w 1728 -h 2286 -multipage -gray -compress 88888894 -dithermode rough-normal C:\in.pdf C:\out.tif