I am working with a company that is interested in your PDF converter. We have downloaded the trial and liked how it worked in the Windows Form Application, but we were interested in adding it into a web form. We have run into issues with the trial version with this. Is it possible to use your DLL with a web form? When we attempted our VeryPDFPCLConverter trial would not correctly convert the prn file with a setup similar to the sample code. nRet in the VeryPDFPCLConverter had a value of 4294967294, while the windows form application had a value of 0 when we ran it. I was unable to find any details on your website about it. Our goal is to have customers select a file through our database and convert it into pdf for them to view in the web page, rather than the email system we currently have implemented.
Thank you for your time,
You can call "PCLtoPDFCom.exe" from your Web Form application, please run following command line with administrator privilege to register "PCLtoPDFCom.exe" into your system first,
'REM -------------------------------------------
'REM Please run a cmd window by administrator privilege, and then run following command line
'REM -------------------------------------------
PCLtoPDFCom.exe /regserver
after you register "PCLtoPDFCom.exe" into your system successful, you can call "VeryPDF.PCLtoPDFCom" from your VBScript code to convert from PCL files to PDF files easily, for example,
set VeryPDFCom = CreateObject("VeryPDF.PCLtoPDFCom")
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = filesys.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
strFolder = filesys.GetParentFolderName(strFolder)
strReturn = ""
nFileIndex = 0
strInFile = strFolder & "\test\test.pcl"
strOutFile = strFolder & "\bin\_test.pdf"
strCmd = "-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX """ & strInFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"
strReturn = strReturn & VeryPDFCom.PCLtoPDF(strCmd)
nFileIndex = nFileIndex+1
msgbox strReturn