I am trying to use HTML2Any to create a pdf at the moment on a Linux server and its coming up with the error 'Result is failed. No output file is created.' how can I see what is causing this?
the OS is Centos 7.
I'm trying a basic command which works fine on another server....
./html2any http://www.msn.com test.txt
/pdf/bin$ ./html2any http://www.msn.com test.txt
Result is failed. No output file is created.
its also 64bit Centos, not sure if that makes a difference
hi there...
after using strace I have actually managed to fix this
it appears it needed a couple of other libraries that aren't included by default in Centos 6 and 7..... might pay to include them in the install.sh file,
yum install libz.so.1
yum install libfontconfig.so.1
yum install libXrender.so.1
now works without issue.
Thank you for your message, if we can be of any other assistance, please feel free to let us know.
Thank you and have a nice day!