I am really confused that which executable from "Bin" i should install for ASP language?
I am testing this tool for our company before we roll out into Production server.
Our app is written by Classic ASP.
My questions:
1. installing "install.bat" from "Bin" is sufficient ?
2. After install into server, how can I create the Object of "PDF Split-Merge"? ex: for Pdf Stamp, I can use "Server.CreateObject("PDFStampOCX.CPDFStamp")"
3. Do you have any documentation for using "Merger Pdf sdk" for Classic asp?
Please help
>>1. installing "install.bat" from "Bin" is sufficient ?
Yes, this is enough.
You can also run "install.vbs" to register "VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.exe" into your system, VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.exe is a COM interface to PDF Split-Merge SDK product, you can call VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.exe from both 32bit and 64bit applications easily.
>>2. After install into server, how can I create the Object of "PDF Split-Merge"? ex: for Pdf Stamp, I can use "Server.CreateObject("PDFStampOCX.CPDFStamp")"
Please download "PDF Split-Merge COM/SDK" from following web page,
after you download and unzip it to a folder, please go to "bin" folder, run "install.vbs" to register "VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.exe" into your system, then you can use following C# source code to split and merge PDF files easily,
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
System.Type VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com");
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM = (VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com)System.Activator.CreateInstance(VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType);
string szPDFFile = appPath + "\\_out1.pdf";
System.IO.File.Copy(appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf", szPDFFile, true);
int nRet = 0;
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
nRet = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryAppendPDF(szPDFFile, appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf");
int nPageCount = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryGetPDFFilePageCount(szPDFFile);
MessageBox.Show(szPDFFile + " is contain " + nPageCount.ToString() + " pages.");
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
System.Type VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType = System.Type.GetTypeFromProgID("VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com");
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM = (VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com)System.Activator.CreateInstance(VeryPDFSplitMergeCOMType);
string szPDFFile = appPath + "\\testcmd.pdf";
VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VerySplitMergePDFEx(szPDFFile, "2-5", appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf");
int nPageCount = VeryPDFSplitMergeCOM.com_VeryGetPDFFilePageCount(appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf");
MessageBox.Show(appPath + "\\_page2-5.pdf" + " is contain " + nPageCount.ToString()+ " pages.");
You may also refer to a sample from following web page,
>>3. Do you have any documentation for using "Merger Pdf sdk" for Classic asp?
You may refer to all documents about PDF Split-Merge SDK from following web pages,
If you encounter any problem with this product, please feel free to let us know.